Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

Disorders of the nervous system in diabetes. Neurological pathology in diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common forms of disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. The frequency of pathology in various populations is 1-2%. Diabetes mellitus is pathogenetically heterogeneous, however, in all forms, the metabolic conversion of glucose in the body is disrupted, which is accompanied by a high content of glucose in the blood and the accumulation of keto…
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Diet for diabetes. How to eat with diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease in which the normal functioning of all internal organs is affected and the work of almost the entire body is disrupted. There are many reasons for the manifestation of diabetes, but the main trouble is because of sugar. Therefore, diabetics are not recommended to consume foods containing sugar. They quickly increase blood glucose. Such…
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Respiratory organs, digestive system for diabetes. Diabetes mellitus with hemochromatosis

Respiratory organs in diabetes mellitus change due to the dryness of the mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi. Alveoli of the lungs can undergo hyalinosis. A tendency to bronchitis, pneumonia, lung abscesses is detected. At a young age in diabetes mellitus, when the body’s resistance is reduced, often pulmonary tuberculosis develops as a concomitant disease. Diabetes mellitus with…
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Causes of diabetes and mechanisms of its development

Both men and women suffer from diabetes mellitus . In 5% of cases, diabetes occurs before the age of 10 years and lasts a lifetime. Over the past decade, the percentage of morbidity in individual countries has increased significantly from 1 to 2. An increase in the total number of patients with diabetes depends largely on the early detection of…
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Diabetes mellitus fat and skinny. Dermal pruritus

Allocate diabetes ” obese ” and ” skinny ” (Lanceraux and others). Clinically, diabetes in overweight patients proceeds favorably. Compensation of diabetes mellitus is achieved by limiting the diet and small doses of insulin or sugar-lowering sulfonamide drugs.The course of diabetes can be characterized as labile (unstable) or stable (calm).  The main complaints of patients with diabetes are: dry mouth, increased thirst, diabetes, increased…
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Diabetes mellitus in children. Preparing for surgery for diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is the most common endocrinological disease in children. Type 1 diabetes prevails. • Symptoms: – polydipsia; – polyuria; – weight loss; – hyperglycemia; – glucosuria; – ketoacidosis. • Chronic complications of diabetes are not common in children. Their disease is characterized by sharp fluctuations in blood glucose levels and a tendency to ketoacidosis. More often, diabetic…
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Diseases of the parathyroid gland on an ECG. Diabetes mellitus and pneumothorax on an ECG

Almost all ECG changes detected in such processes occur as a result of changes in the concentration of extracellular calcium in the form of hypercalcemia or hypocalcemia. With hypoparathyroidism, the only obvious change is the lengthening of the QTc interval, which occurs due to the ST segment, since the duration of the T wave is…
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Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes): causes, diagnosis, treatment

Etiology and incidence of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) . Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous disease, divided into type I diabetes (IDDM) and type II diabetes (IDDM) (see table. C-30). NIDDM (MIM No. 125853) accounts for 80 to 90% of all cases of diabetes and is found in the US in 6-7% of adults. For reasons unknown so far, there is…
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Early detection of diabetes. Screening for diabetes

Recommendations For all women at the 24-28th week of pregnancy, it is recommended to perform an oral glucose tolerance test to detect diabetes in pregnant women . Routine screening in asymptomatic non-pregnant adults with blood glucose or urinalysis is not recommended, but screening is indicated for some groups with an increased risk factor (see Clinical intervention).  About 11…
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Diabetes. Hyperglycemia

Diabetes got its name because of the presence of glucose in the urine with this disease. Two main types of diabetes are known that have a similar course of hyperglycemia and vascular complications. They differ in the pathogenesis and ability of residual insulin to inhibit the formation of ketone bodies from fatty acids.  Type I diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent, with a tendency…
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