Self control
The value of the results obtained during self-control at home is much higher than those obtained in the laboratory, because they more accurately reflect your condition in real-life conditions. Conducting self-control will allow you to become an active participant in the treatment process.
Blood sampling technique
To take blood, it is most convenient to use special devices (supplied with the device or purchased separately) into which needles (lancets) are inserted, which make the puncture of the skin less painful. Lancets need to be changed to prevent blunt needles from traumatizing tissue and infection.
Before piercing your finger, you must wash your hands with warm water (except for hygiene, this will ensure blood flow) and wipe them dry.
There is no need to treat the skin with alcohol or other solutions - this can distort the result.
Puncture should be done on the side surface of the end phalanx of the finger. In the lateral surfaces are the blood vessels, and in the pads - nerve fibers. Puncture holes in the pads give less blood, are more painful and heal worse.
It is better not to pierce the thumbs and index fingers, as they are more often used for various activities (writing, etc.)

After a puncture it is necessary to bring a finger with a drop of blood to the test strip and drop it on it or allow the capillary strip to suck blood. If for some reason the hands could not be washed, then the first drop of blood could be wiped off and the second used for analysis.
Now we have to wait a few seconds - and the result is ready.
Then you need to record the result in the diary of self-control or "download" to a computer.
Urinary glucose self-monitoring
Is it necessary to determine the level of glucose in the urine? There is a clear correlation between the level of glucose in the urine and the level of glucose in the blood. Glucose in the urine appears when its level in the blood exceeds 8-10 mmol / l (this level is called the "renal threshold"). According to the level of glucose in the urine, it is impossible to find a dose of glucose - lowering drugs or insulin, to diagnose hypoglycemia. In the case of regular self-monitoring of blood glucose levels, urine glucose does not carry any additional information and does not need to be determined.
Self level control of ketone bodies
Self-monitoring of the level of ketone bodies (acetone) is more relevant for patients with type 1 diabetes. The appearance of ketone bodies may indicate the development of a serious complication - diabetic ketoacidosis.
In order to check the presence of ketone bodies, it is not necessary to contact the laboratory: it is possible to conduct self-monitoring at home. Ketone bodies in the urine are determined with the help of test strips, very similar to those that you use for self-monitoring of blood sugar. The test strip is immersed in a container with urine and after some time compared with a color scale, showing the level of ketone bodies.
Most endocrinologists believe that determining the level of ketone bodies is advisable.
when the blood sugar level is higher than 13 mmol / l,
with symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis (especially nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain)
if there is a concomitant disease (for example, influenza or ARVI).
Be sure to discuss with your doctor how and when exactly you should determine the level of ketone bodies.
Arterial pressure
An increase in blood pressure is found in people with type 1 diabetes much less frequently than in people with type 2 diabetes. However, in a poorly controlled disease, an increase in blood pressure may be, on the one hand, a symptom of kidney damage, and on the other, a factor in the further progression of this complication.
Self-monitoring of blood pressure will allow:
- evaluate the effectiveness of prescribed therapy
- make timely correction therapy
- evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment changes
Some practical tips:
Get a tonometer: it can be mechanical and electronic (semi-and automatic). If you plan to measure your own pressure yourself, then it is more convenient to use an electronic tonometer.
Measure your blood pressure while sitting at rest for at least 10 minutes. The arm should be bent at the elbow and lay horizontally.
Choose the "worst" hand. The level of blood pressure may vary by 10-15 mm Hg on the right and left hands. Measure blood pressure on both hands, and then make measurements on the arm on which higher blood pressure numbers were obtained.
The cuff must not be applied tightly, so that between it and the hand there is space for 1 finger. There are cuffs of 2 diameters - for patients with medium and large arm circumference. Inflate air into the cuff with the opposite hand to the cuff.
Do not forget to regularly calibrate the tonometer in the service workshop (this should be done at least once a year), and also change the batteries in the electronic tonometer.
Measurement of blood pressure should be daily at different times and record the results in the diary of self-control. There should also be data on the drugs that you get to control blood pressure.
Weight control
Most patients with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. To find out if you are overweight or obese, you can use the formula for calculating body mass index (BMI).
The most unfavorable distribution of fat is its deposition on the internal organs (the so-called abdominal or visceral obesity, or apple-like obesity), as evidenced by a waist circumference of more than 94 cm in men and more than 80 cm in women. Visceral obesity contributes to the development of type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
Objectives of obesity treatment: weight reduction of 5-10% from the original and retention of the result.
Weighing at home will allow you to assess the dynamics of weight and thus assess the effectiveness of lifestyle changes: diet and physical activity.
Weigh yourself once a week, it is best to do it at the same time (in the morning, on an empty stomach) in the same clothes. At the same time, you can measure the waist circumference using a measuring tape. The results must be recorded in the diary of self-control.
Blood Glucose Monitoring (CGMS)
No matter how often you measure blood sugar levels, these data are often insufficient to understand the causes of poor glycemic control.
The system of continuous monitoring of blood glucose (CGMS) is a sensor that is designed to continuously and automatically determine the values of glucose in a fluid of subcutaneous adipose tissue in the range of 2.2-22 mmol / l. The system measures blood sugar every five minutes for three days, which is 288 measurements per day, i.e. up to 864 measurements in 72 hours. Such a thorough determination of glycemic fluctuations allows the doctor and patient:
make a clear picture of the nature of changes in blood sugar levels during the day;
identify such problems on the way to compensation for diabetes mellitus, such as:
- chronic insulin overdose (Somoggia syndrome);
- high sugar after undiagnosed hypoglycemia, which leads to an increase in insulin dose, repetition of hypoglycemia, increased sugar, etc.;
- the phenomenon of "dawn" (Dawn-Phenomenon) - the increase in blood sugar in the early morning hours;
- latent hypoglycemia;
- unclear hyperglycemia, etc.;
- adjust glucose-lowering therapy (both insulin therapy and tablets), taking into account the individual characteristics obtained;
- select the required insulin injection program for pump therapy.
The doctor and the patient receive a complete picture of fluctuations in blood glucose levels during the day, which is impossible when determining blood sugar using a glucometer. This is especially true in the night and early morning hours when the patient is asleep and does not conduct self-control.
The effectiveness of the CGMS is clearly demonstrated in the following example. A patient with type 1 diabetes usually performs blood glucose measurements with a blood glucose meter before breakfast (08:00), before lunch (13:00), before dinner (17:00) and before bed (22:00). These data indicate a normal value of fasting sugar, an increase in indicators before lunch and the normalization of sugar before dinner and before bedtime. Clinically, this can be interpreted as a sufficient dose of insulin everywhere except for breakfast, where the insulin dose should be increased. If, however, CGMS is applied, it can be seen that the doses of insulin given before bedtime and before breakfast should be reduced, since the patient has hypoglycemia at night and after breakfast, and the dose of insulin before dinner needs to be increased, because He is clearly not enough.Those. Correction of insulin therapy to a patient requires a completely different one compared to that which would have been carried out on the basis of the indicators of the glucometer.
Self-monitoring of blood glucose
The main goal of treatment is to achieve normal or close to that level of glycated hemoglobin (reflects the "average" level of glucose in the blood for 2-3 months) in order to prevent the development of complications of diabetes.
The individual goal of treatment (glycated hemoglobin and fasting glucose level) you choose with your doctor, it will depend on several conditions: the duration of the disease and the presence of complications, age and concomitant diseases, etc.
In most cases, the optimal goal is the level of glycated hemoglobin < 7%. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary that the blood glucose level during self-control does not exceed the corresponding values (see the table below).

Individual treatment goals for fasting plasma glucose / before meals and 2 hours after meals, depending on the selected glycated hemoglobin level (HbA1c).
Diabetes and driving
The diagnosis of diabetes itself is not a contraindication to amateur driving. Restrictions may occur with the development of late complications: retinopathy, leading to a decrease or loss of vision, peripheral polyneuropathy - damage to the nerve fibers of the legs with loss of sensitivity (as, according to legend, diabetes was diagnosed in a personal driver L. I. Brezhnev: he stopped feeling the pedals), in the development of diabetic foot syndrome, when it is necessary to "unload" the leg for a long time to heal the ulcer, or in the case of limb amputation. Another situation that can serve as a barrier to driving - frequent hypoglycemia, including unexplained severe hypoglycemia (hypoglycemia with impaired consciousness), or complications of diabetes such as hypoglycemia not recognize. In this case, driving becomes extremely dangerous for both the driver and other road users.
If you do not have late complications of diabetes that may interfere with driving, and you control diabetes without frequent or severe hypoglycemia, then there are no restrictions on driving if you follow some simple rules:
Necessary to carry out self-monitoring of blood sugar levels before and during the trip. If a long trip is planned, and the glucose level is low enough, it is advisable to eat extra carbohydrates to prevent hypoglycemia
You should not start the movement if you feel the precursors of hypoglycemia or have just stopped it.
Before you travel, never inject a dose of insulin that exceeds your usual dose, and also observe the recommended time between insulin intake and food intake.
Before the trip, do not eat carbohydrates in smaller quantities than usual. This is especially important if you are on therapy of hypoglycemic drugs that can cause hypoglycemia (sulfonylurea derivatives, glinides
To carry out self-control during the trip, you need to leave the main road and stop at the place allowed for parking. In no case do not try to conduct self-control during the ride: it is as dangerous as typing text to send SMS messages
If you feel that the blood sugar level is falling, stop immediately, do self-control and, if necessary, stop hypoglycemia. After that, after 15 minutes, check the blood sugar level again, and if it is normal, and you are completely clear, then after another 15 minutes you can continue. If for some reason you did not have a glucometer with you, but you feel symptoms of hypoglycemia, then in this case you need to stop, take carbohydrates, wait for the symptoms to disappear and only 15 minutes after that you can continue
Keep digestible carbohydrates (sugar, pills or gel with glucose, juice or a sweet drink) as close as possible - on the center console or front passenger seat. Do not store them in the glove box or trunk.
Your regular companions should know where in the car you can find easily digestible carbohydrates.
During long trips, keep to your usual mode, avoid long intervals between meals, take a supply of food with you so that you can always have a bite, avoid night trips that break the usual rhythm.
For extra security, always wear a medical bracelet / key ring / pendant with your data and information about your disease.
And, of course, the general rules are: never before or during a trip in a car, do not drink alcoholic beverages, and also do not "drive" overspeed, then both you and other road users will feel more secure.
Vitamins and Diabetes
Many patients with diabetes believe that they need to take special "Vitamins for diabetics." However, to date there is no convincing evidence that any vitamins or macro- and microelements, as well as biologically active additives, can improve glycemic control or reduce the risk of developing and progression of late complications of diabetes. It is well known about the antioxidant properties of beta-carotene, vitamins C and E and their theoretical ability to slow the progression of atherosclerosis. However, in a clinical study on the prevention of the development of coronary heart disease, taking them for 5 years did not produce such a result, unlike taking statins, drugs that lower cholesterol levels. B vitamins are traditionally used to treat lesions of peripheral nerve fibers (polyneuropathy), but so far there is no convincing evidence that such therapy helps in the treatment of polyneuropathy due to diabetes.
It is possible to prevent the development and progression of late complications by achieving and maintaining good glycemic control, normal blood pressure and blood lipids. To do this, you need to be trained in the School for People with Diabetes, follow the recommendations on nutrition and physical activity, conduct regular self-monitoring of blood sugar and measure blood pressure, take hypoglycemic, antihypertensive and lipid - lowering drugs prescribed by your doctor.
After the appearance of insulin analogues and means of self-control, nutrition with type 1 diabetes is very little different from the diet of people without diabetes. With type 2 diabetes, the situation is somewhat different: they usually recommend a low-calorie diet with the exception of foods rich in fats and refined carbohydrates, i.e., people with type 2 diabetes may have several "undernourished" vitamins compared with people without diabetes. And, of course, modern man lives in conditions of general vitamin deficiency - this is primarily due to the use of refined and long-stored products with a low content of vitamins. However, there is evidence that even with an unbalanced diet a person receives almost all the necessary vitamins. Therefore, people with diabetes, like all other modern residents, can prophylactically, if they want, take monovitamins or vitamin-mineral complexes. But it can, and should not, because there is no evidence that this will give any advantages. Perhaps the vitamins in foods are better absorbed by the body than the vitamins from the can. Below is a table of the content of vitamins in various foods: if you cannot eat certain foods or their consumption is limited, you can always find a replacement for them. The need for therapy with vitamins occurs when the development of their deficiency, which has clinical signs and / or is confirmed by laboratory. In any case, before starting the intake of vitamins, it is better to consult with your doctor, and if you started taking them yourself, the doctor should also be aware of this (this applies to any drugs or dietary supplements that you take). This is important because the drugs can interact with each other. It must also be remembered that an overdose of vitamins and minerals is no less dangerous than their deficiency. Most of the vitamin and mineral complexes sold in our pharmacies are safe enough (however, this does not indicate their usefulness). However, you must remember what nutritionists warn about: do not take vitamins all year round. It is optimal to supplement their food in the autumn-winter period, making a break every 3-4 weeks. The fact is that fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, and E - tend to accumulate in the body (all other water-soluble vitamins can be freely removed), and their constant consumption in combination with food can cause an overdose.
Useful tips on nutrition
These tips will help you in your daily pursuit of the goal - the loss of extra pounds:
- Do not buy products that you choose to give up: what is good for you is good for your family members.
- Do not go to the store hungry.
- Pay attention to the energy value and composition of the products indicated on the label.
- Develop new shopping habits - preference should be given to low-calorie foods.
- When cooking, you should avoid adding high-calorie ingredients during cooking (for example, fats and oils). You can choose any method of cooking, except frying: stew, boil, bake, grill, etc.
- Avoid overeating high-calorie foods (both high in fat and high in carbohydrates).
- Drink plenty of fluids.
- Place food in smaller dishes to reduce serving size.
- Limit alcohol intake. Alcohol provides additional extra calories to the body and replaces the more needed food. In addition, the use of alcohol by patients on glucose-lowering therapy can lead to hypoglycemia, often delayed.
- The best evidence of the effectiveness of the selected diet and the incentive for its continuation is the reduction of body weight, self-control is advisable to produce 1 time per week on an empty stomach.
Basics of healthy eating
What is food for? This question is unlikely to cause difficulties with the answer, but the answers may be completely different and unexpected. If we recall the well-known saying "We eat to live and not live to eat", then the answer to this question from a biological point of view may sound something like this: "With food, the nutrients used as a building material and energy sources enter the body".
The main components of food are:
- Carbohydrates - the energy value of 4 kcal / g, are used as the main source of energy, increase blood glucose levels. The proportion of carbohydrates in the diet should be at least 55-60%
- Fats - have the highest energy value - 9 kcal / g, an additional source of energy for the body, used after carbohydrates, stored in the form of adipose tissue. They do not affect blood glucose directly, however, an excess of fat increases tissue resistance to insulin, contributes to the development of arterial hypertension, blood lipid disorders, cardiovascular diseases. The proportion of fat in the diet should not exceed 30%
- Proteins - the energy value is 4 kcal / g, they are used in the body as a "building material", they practically do not affect the level of blood glucose. The proportion of proteins in the diet should be 10-15%
- Water, vitamins and trace elements - the energy value is 0 kcal / g, they do not affect the level of blood glucose
- Alcohol - the energy value is 7 kcal / g of ethanol; it contains a sufficiently large amount of energy that can be deposited in the form of fat. It has a different effect on blood glucose.
Recommendations for a healthy diet are the same for people with diabetes, and without it.
Eat carbohydrate rich foods (bread, pasta, potatoes, cereals).
Reduce the intake of foods rich in saturated fats (meat and dairy products):
- Choose lean varieties and pieces of meat, cut off the visible fat.
- Cook food on the grill, steamed, by cooking or baking instead of roasting in a pan.
- Choose low-fat or low-fat dairy products.
Carefully study the labels on the products ("diet" products may contain more simple sugars and calories than you think).
Eat more vegetables and enough fruit.
Eliminate foods high in sugar and fats — cakes, cakes, sweet pastries — from your daily diet.
Reduce your salt intake, try different seasonings, spices, and herbs to flavor foods.
Follow alcohol guidelines.
In a healthy person, when glucose levels approach the lower limit of normal - 3.3 mmol / l - two protective mechanisms immediately work: insulin production by the pancreas decreases and glucose production by the liver increases. That is why hypoglycemia in healthy people occur extremely rarely and they are not dangerous - reducing the level of sugar to the rate at which the development of hypoglycemic coma is possible, will not occur.
In diabetes, it is impossible to instantly reduce the level of insulin in the blood (an exception is the introduction of insulin with an insulin pump, which can be suspended), and glucose ejected by the liver is not always enough - that is why hypoglycemia in diabetes mellitus requires urgent measures.
Indicators of hypoglycemia
In patients with diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia is understood to mean a decrease in the glucose level below 3.3–3.9 mmol / l.
Sometimes patients experience symptoms of mild hypoglycemia with normal blood glucose levels. Such hypoglycemia is called false and they occur if the patient lived for a long time with a high level of blood glucose. False hypoglycemia is not dangerous and does not require any measures. In other situations, the patient may not experience symptoms of hypoglycemia, and the blood glucose level will be below normal - this is true hypoglycemia that requires immediate action.
Causes of hypoglycemia
Causes associated with glucose-lowering therapy:
An overdose of insulin with an error in the set of insulin doses or with an inadequate increase in the dose of insulin; in the event of a malfunction of the syringe pen or with the introduction of insulin with a concentration of 100 U / ml with a syringe intended for the introduction of insulin with a concentration of 40 U / ml.
Overdose of tableted glucose - lowering drugs: an additional dose of drugs or inadequate increase in the dose of drugs.
Violation of the insulin injection technique: change in the depth or incorrect change of the injection site, massage of the injection site, exposure to high temperatures (for example, while taking a hot shower).
Increased insulin sensitivity during exercise.
Causes related to nutrition:
Skipping meals or insufficient amounts of carbohydrates in food.
Increase the interval between insulin injection and food.
Short-term unplanned physical activity without carbohydrate intake before and after exercise.
Drinking alcohol
Intentional weight loss or fasting without reducing the dose of glucose - lowering drugs.
Slowing the evacuation of food from the stomach.
Symptoms of hypoglycemia
Hypoglycemia is many-sided; however, each patient has its own "set" of symptoms, and most patients are well aware of the approach of hypoglycemia:
Arises in the first place: palpitations, tremors, pallor, nervousness and anxiety, nightmares, sweating, hunger, paresthesias.
They join as the glucose level continues to decline: weakness, fatigue, loss of concentration, dizziness, visual and speech impairment, behavior change, convulsions, loss of consciousness (hypoglycemic coma).
Are hypoglycemia dangerous?
According to the severity (or danger to health and life), hypoglycemia is divided into lungs - the patient himself is able to restore the blood glucose level to normal, and severe - to restore the blood glucose level to normal values, external help is needed.
Mild hypoglycemia is not dangerous. At the same time, the closer the patient's blood glucose level to normal, the more likely it is that the frequency of pulmonary hypoglycemia will increase.
Severe hypoglycemia causes significant damage to brain cells and is life threatening.
Ideas of physical activity
Sport - how to prevent the development of diabetes
Increased physical activity and weight loss have proven to be extremely effective ways to reduce the risk of developing pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. A study by the Harvard Institute for the Study of Public Health has shown that overweight or obese people have regular exercise (at least 30 minutes five days a week) and a change in diet by reducing the intake of high-fat foods and increasing the intake of foods rich in fibers, led to a reduction in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A similar study was conducted in Finland in people who are overweight / obese and pre-diabetic: weight loss, low-calorie diet and exercise reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes more than twice.
How much should you move?
In the largest study of patients with pre- diabetes, the Diabetes Prevention Program, which lasted 4 years, it was shown that physical activity lasting 150 minutes a week (30 minutes 5 times a week) was able to prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes. During the study, patients lost between 4.5 and 9 kg. Therefore, standard recommendations for adults (healthy, with pre -diabetes or type 2 diabetes) - at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day most days a week. This can be any physical activity that makes your heart beat a little faster and is accompanied by slight sweating (walking, swimming, cleaning the house, working in the garden, etc.).
You can start from 5-10 minutes several times a week and gradually move to longer classes. The main thing is to start!
Daily exercise
Let's start with a warm-up!
Any set of exercises should be started with a 5-10-minute warm-up - this will allow you to tune in, warm up your muscles and prevent their stretching and damage during aerobic exercises.
Aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise increases heart rate and breathing and makes the muscles work. For most patients, the goal is at least 30 minutes 5 days a week. If you want to reduce body weight, the duration of exercise is increased. A fairly simple and attractive form of physical activity is daily walking (outdoors or using a treadmill). You can start with 10 minutes of walking 3 days a week with a gradual increase in the intensity and duration of walking up to 30-45 minutes more than 3 times a week, and then before daily walking. This mode will allow you to spend an additional 100-200 calories per day.
Here are some other examples of aerobic exercise:
- Dancing
- Water aerobics
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Riding a bicycle or exercise bike
Strength exercises
Strength training several times a week will allow you to increase your bone and muscle mass (which will lead to a decrease in blood glucose), as well as help you better cope with your daily duties (for example, delivering heavy bags of vegetables to your home).
You can start to attend special strength exercises in groups or (which is easier) to do at home by yourself - light dumbbells will be fine.
Stay active all day long!
This will allow you to "burn" more calories and consume more glucose - you can reduce weight and improve glycemic control.
Get out of public transport one stop before.
Park farther from work or a mall than usual.
Use the stairs instead of the escalator to climb.
Try new forms of physical activity (for example, gardening, a daily walk with a dog or a new sport).
Yes, I want to be active, but...
Step plan
Step one
Getting the approval of a doctor. On the one hand, complications of diabetes mellitus or problems with the cardiovascular system can be a contraindication to certain types of physical exertion, so check with your doctor. Also, before starting a new regime of physical activity, the doctor should decide on the need for an examination of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Remember that when using insulin, physical activity can cause the development of hypoglycemia, and at blood glucose levels above 13-14 mmol / l, it is simply contraindicated.
Step two
Choosing the most appropriate type of physical activity. Choose what you are interested in, what you dreamed of doing (dancing, perhaps?), What you really will do.
Step Three
Set yourself a real goal. For example, start with walks or exercises for 10 minutes 3 times a week and, as soon as the goal is reached, increase their duration, and then the number per week.
Step Four
Perhaps you have an inflexible will and can do it yourself, but if you find it difficult, find a company - it will be more fun to do, and besides, you will not be able to otlyunivat.
Step five
To find time. If you can't take 30 minutes to class, break this time into three 10-minute classes - it's the same thing!
Step Six
Stay active all day. Contraindications to physical activity.
If you have type 1 diabetes, you regularly perform self-control and know how to prevent hypoglycemia, you can engage in any physical activity, including sports. In diabetes mellitus type 2, there may be additional restrictions due to coronary heart disease, diseases of the joints or respiratory system. Any serious physical activity requires a preliminary examination and consultation with a doctor!
The following are conditions in which physical activity may be contraindicated or requires caution.
Here they are:
Temporary contraindications:
The glucose level is higher than 13-14 mmol / l in combination with the appearance of ketone bodies in the urine or higher than 16 mmol / l even without ketone bodies. In conditions of lack of insulin, physical activity will further increase the level of glucose in the blood. If there is no opportunity to examine the level of ketone bodies in the urine, then physical activity should be avoided already at a blood glucose level above 13-14 mmol / l.
Hemophthalmus, retinal detachment, the first six months after laser photocoagulation.
Observance of caution and a differentiated approach to physical activity require:
Sports, in which it is difficult to stop hypoglycemia (hang gliding, diving, surfing, mountaineering and rock climbing).
Impaired recognition of hypoglycemia.
Distal polyneuropathy with loss of peripheral sensitivity.
Vegetative neuropathy (orthostatic hypotension, arterial hypertension).
Nephropathy (perhaps a sharp increase in blood pressure).
Nonproliferative retinopathy (adverse effect of a sharp increase in blood pressure).
Preproliferative retinopathy (physical activity with a sharp increase in blood pressure, boxing, prolonged and intense physical activity is contraindicated).
Proliferative retinopathy (physical activity is contraindicated with a sharp increase in blood pressure, boxing, prolonged and intense physical activity, running, lifting weights, aerobics, sports that may cause head injuries with a ball, puck, etc.).
Pros of an active lifestyle
10 benefits that physical activity will give you:
Improving glycemic control. With physical activity, there is an increase in the sensitivity of tissues to insulin and the active consumption of glucose in the muscles - this leads to a decrease in the level of blood glucose.
Improving blood pressure.
Improving lipid profile: reducing the level of atherogenic ("bad") low density lipoproteins and triglycerides and increasing the level of antiatherogenic ("good") high density lipoproteins. Such changes reduce the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, leg amputation.
Reducing the dose of insulin and glucose - lowering drugs. Physical activity helps reduce blood glucose and body weight — this may allow you to take less glucose - lowering drugs or inject less insulin.
Physical activity allows you to reduce body weight, because it requires energy expenditure ("burns" calories), and also prevents weight gain.
Physical activity can prevent the development of certain diseases, in particular cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction and stroke).
Improve sleep (you will feel rested for less sleep).
Increased stress tolerance.
Your bones and muscles will become stronger, even if you just walk or exercise with a light weight (during physical activity there is an increase in muscle and bone mass).
You will feel the flexibility and lightness in your body during any movement (this is about a trained body).