Month: November 2021

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

Acetone in the urine of a child: diet, what not to eat and what to feed

Acetonemic syndrome is triggered by an increase in the number of ketone bodies in the blood. The pronounced smell of acetone from the mouth is the first sign of this pathology. This is a serious problem that needs timely and competent therapy. In addition to drug treatment, a diet is prescribed with acetone in the child’s…
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Signs of diabetes mellitus in infants, causes of congenital ailment and principles of treatment

Diabetes mellitus in infants is very rare. Moreover, it is diagnosed quite by accident with the development of ketoacidosis or diabetic coma. One of the pronounced signs, which is very important to pay attention to, is the small weight of a newborn baby who was born earlier than the due date. Diabetes in these babies is…
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Can a child with diabetes go to kindergarten and what precautions should be taken

Healthy children are happiness for parents. But not everyone is lucky. A small percentage of babies are born with developmental defects. Most often they are inherited from the older generation. Then the life of the family proceeds according to different laws. With some diseases, children cannot attend educational institutions, go to school in a regular class, and play…
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Diabetes mellitus in children: clinical guidelines for type 1 and 2 disease

Parents of each child who has been diagnosed with diabetes receive clinical recommendations from the doctor, allowing them to develop the correct treatment strategy and correct the child’s lifestyle. However, doctor’s advice and prescriptions are far from spontaneous. In the process of making a diagnosis and determining methods of treatment, the doctor relies on generally established…
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Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus in Children: A Memo for Parents

Diabetes mellitus in children is a change in carbohydrate and other metabolism in the body. It is based on a lack of insulin. Quite often, it leads to chronic hyperglycemia. Statistics show that every 500th child suffers from diabetes mellitus. Unfortunately, for the coming years, experts predict an increase in this indicator. At-risk groups The leading…
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