Can a child with diabetes go to kindergarten and what precautions should be taken

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

Can a child with diabetes go to kindergarten and what precautions should be taken

Healthy children are happiness for parents. But not everyone is lucky. A small percentage of babies are born with developmental defects.

Most often they are inherited from the older generation. Then the life of the family proceeds according to different laws.

With some diseases, children cannot attend educational institutions, go to school in a regular class, and play with children on the street. In our article we will discuss the question: “Can a child with diabetes attend kindergarten?” The topic worries many parents of special children.

What is diabetes?

According to the WHO, diabetes mellitus is diagnosed in 1 out of 500 babies. The disease rejuvenates every year.

The statistics of medical institutions predict an increase in the number of diabetics among the younger generation in the coming years up to 70%.

In newborns and preschool children, type 1 diabetes is most often found – insulin-dependent. This type of disease is characterized by metabolic disorders, chronic hyperglycemia.

It is necessary to keep the sugar level under control, to inject insulin. Diabetes mellitus 2 and MODY type is less commonly diagnosed. Let’s look at the causes and symptoms of the disease in more detail.

Causes of diabetes in children:

• heredity; 

• viruses; 

• stress; 

• improper nutrition. Especially a high-carbohydrate diet; 

• obesity; 

• operations; 

• artificial feeding; 

• immunopathological processes; 

• diathesis. Atopic dermatitis. 

Symptoms of diabetes mellitus in children:

• polyuria. Frequent urination, especially at night. The removed liquid becomes colorless, its specific gravity increases due to sugar; 

• thirst. Dry mouth. Children are asked to drink more often at night. Cannot sleep due to dry mouth; 

• constant feeling of hunger; 

• weight loss; 

• dry skin; 

• seborrhea; 

• seizures around the mouth; 

• candidal stomatitis; 

• tachycardia; 

• hepatomegaly; 

• frequent ARVI, ARI. 

The onset of the manifestation of the disease is noted in children at any age. Most often it is 5-8 years and puberty.

To keep a diabetic’s life in a normal state, parents measure their glucose levels several times a day, administer insulin injections, and maintain their diet and sleep patterns. Only if all the doctor’s recommendations are followed is it possible to see your baby active and cheerful.

But often these guys do not have enough communication. Attending kindergarten is an opportunity to develop the personality of the baby, to receive lessons in interaction with society and other children.

Can a child with diabetes attend kindergarten?

Many parents are afraid to send their child to an educational institution for toddlers. This is totally wrong. Thus, they deprive him of communication, full development.

According to the law, no kindergarten has the right to refuse admission to a small diabetic due to illness. The problem is different. Not all preschool institutions can provide a quality service for a baby with diabetes and his parents.

When choosing a kindergarten, you should pay attention to the following important aspects:

• the presence of a nurse. The level of her qualifications. Will the doctor be able to measure glucose, administer an insulin injection. Who will replace her in case of unexpected absence from the workplace; 

• the opportunity to negotiate with the staff about the control of blood sugar levels in the afternoon, during the day; 

• table adjustment, individual approach to baby nutrition; 

• psychological readiness of educators for a special baby in the group. Ability to act correctly in emergency situations. 

Parents of a diabetic should discuss all the nuances with the head of the institution, draw up a plan for adapting the baby to kindergarten, nutrition. Ask permission to bring your own food for a snack.

Warn about the need to use the meter. Growing up, the child will be able to give himself injections and measurements. This should not scare children and caregivers.

There is another option for visiting kindergarten – this is a short day. For example, after breakfast at home, the child comes to the group and is there until lunchtime.

In this case, hire a nanny for the afternoon, but the baby can actively communicate with peers, gain new knowledge from professional teachers.

To attend kindergarten or not, parents decide, listening to the doctor’s advice, assessing their financial capabilities, the condition of the baby.

Nutrition for children with diabetes

The nutrition of diabetic children is no different from the nutrition of ordinary children. Pay attention only to the amount of carbohydrates in the menu, adjust the diet for the presence of useful and nutritious components.

Let’s talk in more detail about those foods that can increase blood sugar levels:

  • cereals;
  • corn flakes;
  • pasta;
  • potato;
  • dairy products;
  • sweet drinks;
  • fruits;
  • honey;
  • confectionery;
  • bakery.

It is necessary to include these products in the menu after consulting an endocrinologist. The doctor will help you adjust the amount of carbohydrates and the amount of insulin given to your child every day.

Let’s dispel the most widespread myth about nutrition of children with diabetes mellitus: “They absolutely shouldn’t eat sugar, sweets.” It’s a lie. It is possible and necessary to include some cookies, dark chocolate in the diet, add 5 grams of sugar to porridge for breakfast. Of course, it is necessary to limit the baby to sweets, but to exclude him from the menu at all is not.

Foods that do not increase blood glucose levels are taken without fear, without limiting their quantity. These are vegetables, herbal teas, beans, beans. It is important to determine their glycemic index. A low indicator makes it possible to include the product in the diet.

How to act in case of emergency?

Parents and kindergarten teachers need to know the order of actions in the event of an emergency situation associated with the loss of consciousness of a small diabetic, lack of breathing. This could be an attack of hypoglycemia.

Adult behavior rules:

• calm down; 

• lay the unconscious child on its side, fix the position of the body with a solid object. For example, put a roller behind your back; 

• call a doctor, an ambulance, inform the worker of the first-aid post about the incident; 

• monitor the baby until the doctor arrives; 

• try to give some water with sugar if the child is conscious. The attack is associated with a sharp drop in sugar levels. 

The most dangerous symptom of a hypoglycemic attack is respiratory arrest. If it appears before the ambulance arrives, provide emergency assistance yourself.

What should be considered when exercising?

Active games, sports competitions lower blood glucose levels. It is worth preparing for such events in advance.

The diabetic should eat something extra just before playing or running. This should be taken into account by educators and parents.

Moms usually leave a cookie or sugar cube for a snack before exercise. The child eats an additional portion and engages in activities without danger to health. 

However, it is not worth overloading diabetics with exercise. If your baby is tired and dizzy, use a glucometer after exertion.

Teach a little diabetic to use a glucometer on his own, buy a separate device for a kindergarten group. Over time, your baby will be able to give injections, assess his condition, and adjust the diet.

A low sugar level is a reason to contact a medical worker of the institution, call your parents, give your baby something to eat. Babies feel better after eating.

Kindergarten will open up a whole new world for your special child. Do not be afraid of changes, sidelong views of educators and other parents. Don’t hide your illness.

Otherwise, your baby will feel flawed. Explain to him that he is the same as everyone else, but has some peculiarities in diet and activity.

Let the child answer the questions of classmates and educators boldly, without being ashamed of his illness.

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