7 causes of diabetes: major complications

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

7 causes of diabetes: major complications

Diabetes mellitus is a disease that occurs against the background of a partial or complete insulin deficiency. The functioning of the beta cells that produce this hormone is disrupted due to certain external and internal factors.

Such a pathology can rightly be called one of the most serious ailments, since a high concentration of glucose in the body can lead to various pathological processes and failures.

To date, scientists and doctors have not established the only and accurate reason for the development of sugar disease. However, there are 7 indirect causes that can lead to pathology. We will talk about them in more detail.


The risk of developing the disease increases by more than five times if a person with close relatives suffers from diabetes. Definitely, the disease itself is not directly transmitted by inheritance, as many people think, a certain gene is simply transmitted.

Scientists have found specific antibodies that are transmitted from parents or grandparents to a child, due to which a predisposition is formed along the genetic line.

The combination of certain external and internal factors can affect these genes, as a result of which the disease develops in the body. Diabetes, regardless of type, is transmitted polygenically, and this means that if the risk factors and circumstances are leveled, then the disease can never manifest itself.

Predisposition can be transmitted through generation. The human body that inherits these signs may not recognize the hormone, or it is produced in excessively small quantities.

It should be noted that the risk of developing a pathology in a child increases if the disease is diagnosed in relatives of the father, and not the mother.

Excess weight

To date, the most common factor that leads to the development of the disease is considered to be overweight or obesity at any stage. For example, the first degree of obesity increases the likelihood of getting sick several times.

The second stage of obesity increases the chances of becoming the owner of diabetes by 5 times, and the third degree by 10 times. The risk group includes the category of people who have a body mass index of more than thirty.

It must be said that obesity is not only the prerogative of the fair sex, but men are diagnosed quite often. There is a certain relationship between the likelihood of developing diabetes and waist size:

  • For women, this figure should not exceed 88 centimeters.
  • In men, the volume is not more than 102 centimeters.

Against the background of obesity, various malfunctions of a pathological nature occur in the body, as a result of which the cells cannot fully interact with the hormone, as a result, they completely or partially lose their sensitivity.

There is only one way to reduce the influence of a negative factor – sports, diet and weight loss.


The risk of getting diabetes increases several times if a person has diseases that provoke a malfunction of the pancreas. These ailments can lead to the fact that beta cells are destroyed.

It should be noted that mechanical injury to the pancreas can also be a consequence of the fact that beta cells will not produce insulin. A disorder of the internal organ can also be attributed to radiation of a radioactive nature. For example, people who were former liquidators of the Chernobyl accident fall into the risk group .

The following diseases can lower the body’s susceptibility to the hormone:

  1. Coronary heart disease.
  2. Hypertonic disease.
  3. Atherosclerotic changes in the body.

It is proved that atherosclerotic changes lead to malnutrition of the internal organ, as a result of which there is a malfunction in the production and movement of the hormone.

Autoimmune pathologies can also lead to the development of diabetes: a chronic form of adrenal insufficiency, autoimmune thyroiditis.


It is known that any drug helps not only to cope with the disease, but also has its own characteristics. In particular, all medications have their indications and contraindications, side effects.

It often happens that in the process of conservative treatment of one pathology, a medicine with its side effect leads to numerous problems. Research by scientists shows that there are certain drugs that can lead to the development of diabetes mellitus.

Symptoms of diabetes can manifest itself after taking the following medicines:

  • Antitumor drugs.
  • Glucocorticoids of synthetic origin.
  • Some medications that help normalize blood pressure values ​​against the background of hypertension.
  • Diuretics. More precisely, the thiazide group of diuretics.

The prolonged use of drugs for the treatment of asthma, skin and rheumatic pathologies can lead to the development of an incurable disease with their negative impact.

It should be noted that diabetes can be a consequence of the use of biologically active additives, which contain such a substance as selenium.

Child bearing

During pregnancy, the woman’s body is in great stress, and some of its systems work literally for two. During this period, a woman may develop a form of gestational diabetes.

Hormones during pregnancy, produced by the placenta, lead to the fact that in the body of a woman, the sugar content increases. In addition, there is an increase in the load on the pancreas, as a result of which its functionality is impaired.

This chain progresses rapidly, and as a result leads to the fact that the internal organ does not cope with its functionality, the body lacks insulin.

Practice shows that the clinical picture of this form of diabetes is similar to the usual course of pregnancy. And, unfortunately, it is not always possible to diagnose the disease on time. As a rule, it is detected when serious complications are already observed.

Pathology causes great harm not only to the mother, but also to the development of the unborn child. However, in most cases, it is leveled after childbirth.

Viral ailments

Scientists have found that a viral infection can lead to a pancreas disruption in a sick person with all the ensuing consequences.

A relationship has been established between detecting the development of diabetes and infections that a person has suffered. Mumps, chickenpox, rubella and other diseases can be the impetus that will trigger a pathological chain in the body and lead to the development of a sweet disease.

Infections can not only disrupt the functioning of the pancreas, but also lead to the fact that the cells of the internal organ are destroyed. This fact is based on the fact that many viruses have similar cells, that is, they have a certain similarity with pancreatic cells.

During the period of active fight against infection, the body can attack not only viral cells, but also its own. Rubella increases the likelihood of developing diabetes by 20%.


Scientists have proven that alcoholic beverages are one of the factors that can lead to the development of diabetes. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to the fact that the cells of the internal organ that produces the hormone are destroyed, and then they die.

In addition, the lifestyle itself is of no small importance. If a person is constantly sitting, moving a little, constantly moving in a car, and learns about sports only from the TV screen, then these people are at risk.

They have a three-fold increased risk of developing diabetes compared to people who lead an active lifestyle and play sports. In people leading a sedentary lifestyle, over time, the susceptibility of soft tissues to insulin is impaired.

In turn, low activity leads to the fact that there is excess weight, and there, and not far from obesity. Thus, a chain reaction is revealed that increases the risk of “acquiring” diabetes.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This statement also applies to diabetes. But no one will guarantee that he will not touch a person. Therefore, you must do everything possible to permanently eliminate negative factors from your life and the lives of your loved ones.

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