Cholesterol 18 in the body: what does it mean and what to do at a level of 18.1 to 18.9?

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

Cholesterol 18 in the body: what does it mean and what to do at a level of 18.1 to 18.9?

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that, when bound to proteins, leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. It is fatty deposits inside the blood vessels that provoke the development of atherosclerosis in diabetes mellitus.

The substance belongs to the class of fats. A small amount – 20%, enters the human body with food of animal origin. The rest, 80%, is synthesized in the liver. For the normal functioning of organs and systems, cholesterol balance must be observed.

When cholesterol is 18 units, this indicates that the norm is several times exceeded, which poses a certain threat to human health and life. How much cholesterol is normal ? Normally, the level is up to 5 units, the value is from 5 to 6.4 mmol / l – a slightly increased content, the critical concentration is from 7.8 mmol / l.

Let us consider in more detail what danger threatens a diabetic with cholesterol of 18 units, and what to do in such a situation?

What does cholesterol 18 mmol/l mean?

Cholesterol is a neutral substance. However, when the component binds to proteins, it tends to be deposited on the vascular walls, which leads to atherosclerotic changes.

With the development of hypercholesterolemia , it is necessary to take into account the amount of triglycerides – a special form of cholesterol substance, an increase in which leads to the occurrence of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

The danger from fat metabolism is discussed in situations where interrelated processes are identified. In particular, this is an increase in LDL and an increase in the amount of triglycerides against the background of a decrease in HDL – good cholesterol.

With a cholesterol value of 18 units, the following processes are observed in the body:

  • The vascular walls thicken due to the sticking of a fat-like substance;
  • The conductivity of blood vessels is significantly reduced;
  • The full process of blood circulation is disturbed;
  • The work of all organs and systems worsens due to poor blood flow.

With timely diagnosis of a high level, it is possible to stop pathological processes, which will reduce all the risk to minimal consequences. Lack of treatment leads to damage to the cardiovascular system, resulting in myocardial infarction, hypertensive crisis, coronary heart disease.

Sometimes atherosclerotic plaques in diabetes mellitus increase significantly in size, which is why a blood clot forms. A blood clot can make it difficult or completely block the flow of blood to soft tissues and cells.

Of particular danger at a high level of cholesterol – from 18 units, is a detached blood clot.

A blood clot can go anywhere, even to the brain. Then there is a stroke, which often leads to death.

Symptoms of high blood cholesterol

At an early stage in the development of the pathological process, there are no symptoms.

The diabetic does not notice any changes in his condition. It is possible to suspect a violation of fat metabolism after the diagnosis.

That is why with diabetes it is necessary to donate blood for cholesterol several times a year.

Read also The structure and biological role of cholesterol in the body

The cholesterol index of 18 units exceeds the norm three times, respectively, the risk of developing pathologies of the heart and blood vessels is quite high. At this stage, a number of measures are required to normalize the concentration.

The first symptoms of hypercholesterolemia are distinguished , which patients rarely pay attention to, associating them with manifestations of the underlying disease – diabetes mellitus. Signs of high LDL appear against the background of the first failures in the work of the cardiovascular system. These include:

  1. With excitement, discomfort develops in the sternum.
  2. Feeling of heaviness in the chest during exercise.
  3. An increase in blood pressure.
  4. Intermittent lameness. The symptom indicates cholesterol plaques in the vessels of the legs.

Angina pectoris is a characteristic symptom of hypercholesterolemia . Pain in the chest area is observed with excitement, physical activity. But with a value of 18 units, often the pain syndrome manifests itself in a calm state. The symptom is due to narrowing of the vessels that feed the heart muscle.

With damage to the vessels of the lower extremities, there is weakness or pain in the legs when walking, during gymnastics. Additional symptoms include a decrease in concentration, memory impairment.

There are also external signs of hypercholesterolemia . Violation of the lipid balance can lead to the formation of xanthomas – neoplasms on the skin, which consist of fat cells. Their formation is due to the fact that part of LDL is excreted on the surface of human skin.

Most often, neoplasms appear next to large blood vessels, tend to increase in size if the amount of bad cholesterol increases.

Treatment of hypercholesterolemia with medications

Cholesterol 18 units is a lot. With this indicator, complex treatment is required, including dietary nutrition, sports and medication. To normalize the level, drugs from the statin group are more often used .

Statins are synthetic substances that reduce the production of enzymes needed to make cholesterol. Clinical studies have shown that drugs reduce LDL levels by 30-35%, while increasing high-density lipoprotein by 40-50%.

The funds are working effectively. Most often, the use of such drugs is recommended: Rosuvastatin , Atorvastatin , Simvastatin , Fluvastatin , Lovastatin . Their use is advisable for cholesterol 18 units. But in diabetes mellitus, it is prescribed with caution, since drugs affect metabolic processes and can lead to a sharp decrease in blood glucose.

Other side effects include:

  • Asthenic syndrome, sleep disturbance, headaches, abdominal discomfort, disruption of the digestive tract, gastrointestinal tract;
  • Dizziness, peripheral neuropathy;
  • Loose stools, development of acute pancreatitis, convulsive conditions;
  • Arthritis of the joints, muscle pain;
  • Allergic reactions with skin manifestations (rash, burning, itching, exudative erythema);
  • Erectile dysfunction in men, weight gain, peripheral edema.

Statins are prescribed only after a comprehensive diagnosis. In case of violation of fat metabolism, the doctor assesses all the risks. The dose is recommended taking into account the gender, weight, age group of the patient. Take into account the presence of bad habits, existing somatic pathologies – diabetes, hypertension, hyperthyroidism.

When prescribing drugs to elderly patients, it should be borne in mind that the combination with drugs for diabetes mellitus, gout, hypertension increases the risk of developing myopathy several times.

When hypercholesterolemia is diagnosed , all appointments are made only by the attending physician, based on the level of LDL, the characteristics of the body, the concentration of glucose in the blood and the course of diabetes mellitus. Periodic monitoring of the effectiveness of treatment is carried out – once every 2-3 months.

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