Diet for diabetes. How to eat with diabetes?

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

Diet for diabetes. How to eat with diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease in which the normal functioning of all internal organs is affected and the work of almost the entire body is disrupted. There are many reasons for the manifestation of diabetes, but the main trouble is because of sugar. Therefore, diabetics are not recommended to consume foods containing sugar. They quickly increase blood glucose. Such products include jam, honey, jams, cakes, sweets, cakes, sugar and other sweets. It is also necessary to limit the use of sweet fruits and berries, these are: grapes, bananas, dates, raisins, apricots. 

In severe diabetes, these products must be completely excluded from the diet, and with an initial and moderate degree, the use of a small amount of sweets is acceptable, but it is necessary to regularly monitor blood sugar levels. Instead of sweets, taste substitutes for sugar are recommended – xylitol and sorbitol in small quantities.  

The progression of diabetes is also greatly influenced by the content of fatty foods in the diet. Therefore, patients should limit the use of not only sweets, but also fatty foods. The total amount of fat in the daily diet should not exceed 40 grams. Fatty foods – butter and vegetable oil, lard, animal fats, margarine, fatty meat, chicken skin, sausages, mayonnaise, fatty cheeses, sour cream and others.  

Fried and smoked dishes, canned goods and pickles, spices, peppers, mustard and alcohol should be completely excluded from the diet . People with diabetes are also advised to limit their intake of foods containing high amounts of complex carbohydrates. There are many complex carbohydrates in cereals, pasta, rice and semolina. Milk sugar – lactose, which is found in all dairy products, is rapidly absorbed by the body. Therefore, in the patient’s diet, dairy products should contain no more than half a liter per day.  

What can be eaten with diabetes if it seems that there is nothing left that could satisfy the hunger. Some patients immediately after the diagnosis of diabetes begin to eat separately, prepare themselves dietary dishes and refuse to participate in family feasts. There is no particular need for this, it is just necessary to strictly adhere to certain rules and include only those foods that are useful in your diet. And such products will help to cope with the disease not only to the patient, but also prevent the occurrence of the disease of all family members. Here is a list of foods that should be in the diet of a patient with diabetes: 

1. Buckwheat and oatmeal, whole wheat bread. These foods contain more B vitamins and are more slowly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Always try to eat unrefined foods. Refined products include premium flour and all products made from it, sunflower oil, sugar, polished rice. 

2. Vegetables and fruits . Vegetables and fruits that are poor in carbohydrates are allowed to be consumed in unlimited quantities. Such vegetables include all types of white and cauliflower, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, spinach, and lemons, cranberries, pomegranates, lingonberries, red currants and others are useful from fruits. Carbohydrate-rich vegetables and fruits in your diet should be limited. So, beets and carrots – up to 250 gr. per day, potatoes – up to 300 gr., mushrooms up to 100 gr. Of fruits, it is necessary to give preference to apples, grapefruits, peaches, limiting their consumption to 400 gr. per day. All kinds of herbs, onions, garlic should be consumed as much as possible. 

3. Low-fat beef and poultry . Soups prepared on a lean meat broth can be consumed 2 times a week. Boiled poultry or beef meat is recommended to be included in the diet daily up to 100 gr., They cover the body’s need for proteins and vitamins. 

4. Seafood . Include fish up to 150 grams in your daily diet. From fish and seafood you can cook a lot of delicious dishes. Cook and simmer, but do not fry. 

5. Dairy products . Milk for patients with diabetes can be drunk only with the permission of a doctor. And sour-milk products, such as kefir, yogurt, yogurt, not more than 2 glasses a day. You can eat low-fat cheese in small quantities. Cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, which are useful for improving liver function and fat metabolism. Low-fat cottage cheese in an amount of not more than 200 gr. per day it is useful to include a diabetic in the diet. 

6. Drinks . With diabetes, it is better to drink all sorts of tea, natural coffee, tomato juice. The use of natural fruit juices must be limited, as they contain a large amount of simple carbohydrates. You can drink freshly squeezed juices diluted with water in triplicate. 

In diabetes, strictly follow the principles of fractional nutrition. Eat in five meals, preferably at the same time. In type 2 diabetes, weight should be controlled, the number of calories received per day should preferably not exceed 1500-1800 kcal. The daily diet should be rich in vitamins, micro and macro elements, give preference to natural food.  

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