Diet for diabetes

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

Diet for diabetes

For people with a serious illness such as diabetes, the basis of life is continuous insulin therapy and a special diet. This is because the disease is caused by too high levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood.

Glucose enters the body through food and, through the hormone insulin, enters the cells. In diabetes, insulin is not produced, therefore, glucose in the blood gradually begins to accumulate, which leads to impaired functions of almost all organs and systems.

Diet for diabetes – what is it?

To control the course of diabetes, you need to play sports, carefully monitor your weight, take the necessary medications and follow the strictest diet. For patients or people prone to this disease , diabetes diet plays a key role.  

According to doctors, clinical nutrition is very useful for the prevention of the disease, and for those who have already overtaken the ailment, it helps to reduce the need to use potent drugs. Moreover, it is not necessary to adhere to any complex diet – it is enough to adhere to a balanced diet to eat food in small quantities.

For each patient suffering from diabetes, relies on its own “diet program”. It takes into account gender, weight, age and a person’s usual lifestyle. In this case, an accurate calculation of the energy value of the food products that will enter his body is made. A doctor is involved in the preparation of a therapeutic diet for diabetes . To independently compile it or make any changes is not only not recommended, but also prohibited  

Diet for various forms of diabetes

When compiling a special nutrition scheme for a patient with diabetes, the specialist must take into account the type of disease. Two types of diabetes are distinguished: the first is insulin-dependent and the second is non-insulin-dependent.

A strictly selected diet for type 1 diabetes is based on the “bread units” system. This program is designed to accurately calculate the dose of insulin and the amount of food eaten. With such a diet, it is the quantity that matters, and not the type of food itself. The most important thing – at one meal you can not eat more than 70-90 grams of carbohydrates. In addition, any sweetened and sugary drinks are completely and forever excluded from the diet: juices, soda, tea with sugar, lemonade, etc.  

Type 2 diabetes is usually overweight. Therefore, the main goal of treatment is to stabilize the metabolism of carbohydrates. The endocrinologist individually selects a special diet for such a patient with type 2 diabetes, which is aimed at weight loss. For each patient, a certain amount of calories per day is expected. Strictly limited intake of high-calorie foods and dishes that can increase blood glucose. The basis of the diet is foods containing plant fiber and water.  

For diabetics of mild to moderate forms of the disease, the diet “Table No. 9” is prescribed. This program involves the use of products with low energy value and is the main for all people suffering from diabetes. The goal of diet number 9 is to determine the optimal amount of carbohydrates for each patient.

Of course, each system has its own characteristics, but they all have the same rules. For example, you should strictly adhere to the meal schedule, i.e. eat at the same time, 5-6 times a day, in small portions. It is necessary to exclude sugar and other sweets from the diet or minimize their amount. Alternatively, you can use a sweetener. You can’t sit at the table hungry: you need to suppress your appetite during the day by eating some vegetables or drinking tea. Be sure to include milk and dairy products in the diet.

It is very important to remember that the doctor must recommend a diet. After all, only he will be able to give the right recommendations for each patient with diabetes, based on the results of the tests, medical history and current condition of the patient.

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