Early symptoms and symptoms of diabetes in women: what to look for?

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

Early symptoms and symptoms of diabetes in women: what to look for?

The first signs of diabetes in women quite clearly indicate the development of pathology, if you have some ideas about diabetes, which is a rather dangerous disease, and it can be characterized not only by a violation of metabolic processes in the body.

The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that pathology tends to progress quite slowly. In a number of situations, for 5-10 years, an existing disease does not indicate its development.

However, there are some symptoms in women that signal an approaching resistance to the hormone (insulin), by detecting which, you can go through a blood test for the sugar content in the body.

So, you need to consider what are the first signs of diabetes in women? And also find out how to understand that the development of the disease begins, and is it possible to avoid the disease?

Essence of the disease

The first type of diabetes mellitus, which is diagnosed after the age of 40, can be characterized by a violation of the functionality of pancreatic beta cells, which are responsible for the production of the hormone.

They are the ones who are “fully responsible” for the synthesis of insulin in the body, which in turn is “responsible” for the absorption of sugar in the human body. When a hormone deficiency is observed, then sugar begins to accumulate in the blood, which acts as a kind of toxin for a person.

This leads to a deterioration in the functionality of blood vessels, blood viscosity increases, metabolic processes in the female body are disturbed.

However, the most dangerous symptoms of diabetes in women, regardless of their age, are a lack of oxygen, which must enter the cells and soft tissues, resulting in a diabetic coma.

The second type of diabetes in girls after 30 years of age develops along with a violation of the disorder of sugar utilization. Which in turn leads to a high concentration of sugar in the body with all the symptoms that follow from this.

The “sweet” disease is unofficially called the “silent killer,” since the ailment may not show signs of development for a long time. And with late detection, complications are simultaneously diagnosed.

The first symptoms of diabetes

Serious physical activity, hours of working hours, an active rhythm of life, lack of vitamins, poor nutrition, lack of good and quality food – all this leads to severe fatigue, fatigue.

And sometimes it happens that a woman notices these symptoms, but does not attach serious importance to them, believing that a little rest normalizes the situation, and her health improves. Indeed, rest sometimes helps to cope with the problem, and sometimes not, when such symptoms are caused by other reasons.

The first bells in diabetes mellitus are weakness and lack of energy, decreased ability to work. If rest does not help to improve well-being, then we can assume that this is the beginning of diabetes.

Other symptoms of the onset of the disease can be distinguished:

  • Sleep disturbance, feeling tired after eating. When such a condition is rarely observed, then this can be correlated with variations in the norm. But if every time after a meal you want to lie down for at least half an hour, this is an alarming sign.
  • Constant desire to drink. This is a classic symptom for diabetes, which is diagnosed in the fair sex, men, adolescents and young children.
  • Increased daily urine volume. Against the background of constant thirst, the excretion of fluid by the kidneys increases.
  • Excess weight is a factor predisposing to the development of diabetes mellitus, and it provokes a decrease in the susceptibility of soft tissues to the hormone.

In the development of sugar pathology, extra pounds matter in the area of ​​their accumulation. When they accumulate around the waist, the prerequisites for the development of the disease are created.

High blood pressure in symbiosis with extra pounds, constant thirst and increased appetite – these are also clear bells that indicate pathological processes in the body.

The main symptoms of diabetes in women

Diabetes in women can be of the first type, and it is called hormone dependent. And when it is detected, the introduction of insulin in a specific dosage is immediately recommended.

As well as type 2 diabetes, and this disease is not dependent on insulin. Drug therapy in this case consists in correcting the diet, playing sports, and constantly monitoring blood sugar.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus occurs due to a violation of pancreatic cells, as a result of which a decrease or absolute cessation of hormone synthesis is detected. Therefore, with this type of women are not overweight, on the contrary, they have a normal or thin physique. 

Type 1 diabetes mellitus may indicate the following symptoms:

  1. Chronic fatigue, weakness, lethargy, apathy, general malaise.
  2. Abundant frequent urination, constant thirst, dry mouth.
  3. Taste of metal in the mouth.
  4. Itchy skin, dry skin.
  5. High irritability and nervousness, headache, depressive syndrome.
  6. In a number of situations, attacks of nausea up to vomiting can be observed.
  7. Genital itching in the vagina.

Against the background of the second type of diabetes, the hormone can be produced in small or normal quantities, and the main reason for this pathology is precisely a violation of the susceptibility of tissues to the hormone.

In this embodiment, the symptoms of the fair sex are similar to the signs of the first type of disease, but still slightly differ:

  • Constant feeling of thirst (this symptom characterizes two types of ailment).
  • Itching in the perineum.
  • Lowering the pain threshold, numbness of the limbs of both the upper and lower.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Wounds and scratches do not heal over an extended period of time.
  • Desire to sleep after eating.
  • Decreased immune system.

With the second type of diabetes in women, an increase in appetite is observed, which in turn negatively affects the total body weight. Cells “perceive” glucose, therefore they constantly “want” to eat.

How to avoid pathology?

The disease does not pose a direct threat to the patient’s life, which cannot be said about the complications of diabetes. Is it possible to prevent the development of pathology, and what needs to be done to do this. 

To do this, you need to know which women are at risk, and what exactly will help overcome the likely development of the disease.

If one or both parents have a history of diabetes, then their child is at high risk for this disease. Overweight women with diabetic inheritance are at risk .

Generally speaking, the following women are highly likely to develop diabetes:

  1. If a history of hypertension, atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels.
  2. Women who were diagnosed with gestational diabetes during gestation. And also those who gave birth to a child more than 4 kg.
  3. Women with a history of abnormal pregnancy, due to which a dead child was born.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to avoid a sugar illness with negative heredity, it can only be moved for an indefinite period. However, if nothing is done, the disease “will come soon in all its glory.”

A few recommendations:

  • The first advice that helps prevent pathology is to maintain an active lifestyle. Sedentary work must be compensated for by sports, hiking, outdoor activities.
  • The second tip is the diet, which is recommended to be reviewed at the root. We must abandon alcoholic beverages, confectionery, sweets, flour and fat. The main credo is only healthy food.

If you pay attention to the predisposing factors leading to the development of the disease in time, then you can take the appropriate preventive measures described above. It is important to control your blood sugar.

Definitely, no one can guarantee that diabetes will not occur. But better late than too early.

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