Hypoglycemia – Causes, Symptoms and Actions

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

Hypoglycemia – Causes, Symptoms and Actions

Many are of the opinion that it is better to keep sugars a little high than to experience what hypoglycemia is. The very thought of a recurrence of such a condition is frightening. That is why it is worth learning the possible symptoms well in order to catch any risk in advance, as well as carefully approach the issue of self-control. Let’s understand the symptoms, the rules for stopping and calculating the dose of glucagon.

Hypoglycemia is a condition when the blood glucose level is below 3.5 mmol/L.

This situation is very dangerous, often accompanied by a loss of control over the body.

Possible causeslack of food; overdose of insulin or the wrong insulin was given (baseline instead of bolus);
physical activity; alcohol use; changing the depth of the injection into the muscle; gastroenteritis or gastric disorders
Symptomsirritability or apathy, difficulty concentrating; hunger, nausea;
trembling, restlessness, rapid heartbeat, cold sweats; numbness of lips, fingers, tongue, cramps; headache, drowsiness, fever; confusion, problem with short-term memory, slurred speech, poor motor coordination;

Relief of hypoglycemia

Check if you have hypoglycemia by measuring your glucose levels. Symptoms can also occur with a rapid decrease in glucose levels within the normal range. This usually happens in people with high HbA1c.
The relief of hypoglycemia is carried out with simple carbohydrates. Eat 15-20 grams of simple carbohydrates and retest after 15 minutes. If your glucose is low, take another 15 grams of simple carbohydrates. You can stop with glucose-based tablets and gels, fruit juices, sugar-sweetened sodas, sugar, honey, dried fruits , caramel. Do not use chocolate, cakes, condensed milk, cookies. These foods are high in fat. Glucose levels will rise slowly and there is a risk of delayed hyperglycemia. In severe cases of hypoglycemia, the assistance of another person will be required. In this state, it can lead to loss of consciousness and even coma. If at the same time a person cannot eat and drink, glucagon must be injected. Glucagon is a pancreatic hormone that releases glucose from the liver depot. Special instructions for administration are placed on the set with glucagon. Carry the solution case with you. Write the required dosage on the syringe in advance Calculation of the dose of glucagon:

It is not scary if a large dose of the drug is administered. The action will start within 15 minutes and is valid for up to 60 minutes. Possible side effect is nausea. 30 minutes after administration, you need to eat to keep the level of glucose in the blood.
Glucagon may not work if there is no glucose storage in the liver (for example, when following a low-carbohydrate diet)

An episode of severe hypoglycemia is a reason to call an ambulance.

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