Low blood sugar: symptoms in women and causes of hypoglycemia

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

Low blood sugar: symptoms in women and causes of hypoglycemia

The chemical composition of the blood depends on many factors, including the hormonal balance of the woman.

The glucose content is regulated by the adrenal glands (adrenaline, glucocorticoids), the pancreas (insulin, glucagon), and the sex glands (steroid hormones).

The reasons for a decrease in blood sugar in women can be due to age-related changes, pregnancy, and exhausting physical activity. Timely detection of low blood sugar in women will help a laboratory analysis for the chemical and hormonal composition. 

Symptoms of hypoglycemia

Glucose is a carrier of energy for cells, therefore, its insufficient amount negatively affects all structures of the body.

First of all, the brain needs sugar, it is the main consumer of glucose.

Biochemical screening will help identify the type of hypoglycemia and show the degree of glucose reduction.

True hypoglycemia is recorded when sugar values ​​are below 3.3 mmol / l, perhaps this is a short-term result of the influence of unfavorable factors. False hypoglycemia is expressed in a rapid decrease in glucose. It is diagnosed by the glucose tolerance test, when the sugar level is measured for 2 hours at intervals of half an hour. 

When there is a decrease in blood sugar, symptoms in women can be classified according to their appearance. Morning dizziness, apathy, headache, pallor of the skin, tremors are the most striking symptoms of low blood sugar in women. Energy starvation of cells is corrected by nutrition, correct physical activity, a balanced regime of work and rest.

The main symptoms of low blood sugar in women are: 

  • somatic manifestations: headache of varying degrees, lack of feeling of fullness even after eating, anxiety and irritation; 
  • vegetative disorders: true tachycardia, trembling of the limbs, pulsation, indicating the movement of blood through the body. A sharp jump in glucose downwards leads to arrhythmias, a sharp pallor, and rapid breathing. The parasympathetic system enhances gastrointestinal motility, which leads to hunger, rumbling in the stomach; 
  • from the side of neurology: light-headedness, clouding of consciousness, pulsation in the vessels (pounding headache). A severe form of hypoglycemia causes the shutdown of certain parts of the brain, which is dangerous for the subsequent loss of sensitivity. The onset of a glycemic coma is possible with a sugar level of 2.7-2.3 mmol / l (determined by a glucometer). Possible pathological reflexes and impaired mental functions after a coma; 
  • metabolism is disturbed , proteins and fats are poorly synthesized, the body requires high-carbohydrate food. Low blood glucose in women makes you feel hungry, which leads to weight gain.

“12817”] A sharp drop in the sugar content in the body leads to a loss of consciousness. Due to irritating factors, the patient does not have time to realize the approach of a hypoglycemic coma, therefore, the help of an outsider is important.

Causes of Low Blood Sugar in Women

Low glycemic indicators are recorded not only in patients with diabetes mellitus, but also indicate dysfunction of the pancreas, adrenal glands, and gonads.

Causes of low blood sugar in women, taking into account the pathological development of internal organs:

  • dysfunction of the liver (the cause of low blood sugar in women, characterized by dysfunction in the production of steroid hormones);
  • digestive disorders (carbohydrates are not absorbed);
  • uncontrolled exhausting physical and mental stress (cells have exhausted their energy reserves);
  • kidney pathology (there is no reabsorption of glucose by the kidneys);
  • Lack of carbohydrates in the diet (during a carbohydrate-free diet) or an excessive dose of sweets with a high sugar content;
  • frequent alcohol consumption, ethanol blocks the processes of glucose synthesis in the liver;
  • endocrinopathies (hyperinsulinism, insufficient hyperglycemic hormones: growth, glucagon, glucocorticoids, catecholamines);
  • benign and malignant neoplasms of the pancreas, provoking the uncontrolled formation of insulin.

Failure to comply with the diet of a pregnant woman with long breaks leads to energy starvation and, as a result, a deterioration in well-being, a decrease in blood pressure, and loss of consciousness.

Laboratory analysis will show low blood sugar in women who are engaged in work that requires high physical exertion.

When registering with an antenatal clinic, pregnant women are issued a certificate that frees them from harmful and difficult working conditions.

Low sugar in women is observed with hormonal imbalance: false pregnancy, abortive surgery, menopause, gynecological pathologies. Heavy menstrual flow causes a biochemical imbalance that triggers an episode of hypoglycemia.

“12817”] Patients with diabetes mellitus taking medications to lower their sugar levels are diagnosed with low glucose if the dosage is not followed or if a special diet and medication are combined.

Prevention of hypoglycemia, first aid

If the blood sugar is low, the symptoms in women without laboratory tests can be eliminated on their own.

It is possible to increase the glucose content by adjusting physical activity, diet. If the signs of hypoglycemia have not disappeared, then laboratory screening and a visit to narrow specialists will determine the cause of the imbalance in the chemical composition of the blood.

A sharp drop in blood sugar levels causes a hypoglycemic coma, which blocks the brain from working. Timely assistance provided will eliminate irreversible consequences for the central nervous system: stroke, aphasia, epilepsy, encephalopathy, cerebral edema. For insulin-dependent people and people with pathology of glucose uptake, it is important to provide assistance in the first 10-15 minutes before coma. 

Patients with hypoglycemia are advised to carry a source of fast-digesting sugar with them: sugary drinks, caramel, sugar cube, chocolate. If the attack is just beginning, then it can be stopped by yourself with a sweet product.

With such a dangerous phenomenon as low sugar, symptoms in women can be determined by their external manifestations: a pale face, moist skin, tachycardia with an increased pulse. 

Help should be provided promptly, before an ambulance arrives. The patient will not be able to independently determine the approach of a coma due to a stressful situation or other irritating factors.

Algorithm for emergency care for low sugar levels:

• provide a comfortable position: a horizontal position with a slightly raised head; 

• in a conscious state, with intact swallowing functions, give a sweet drink to drink or put sugar under the tongue (it is convenient to use individual disposable sachets). The drink will enter the bloodstream faster, raising the glucose concentration, which cannot be done with caramel or thick syrup; 

• for an emergency, patients have a syringe with glucagon, it is administered subcutaneously or intravenously once, no more than 1 ml. Instant balancing of the chemical composition of the blood will prevent irreversible consequences for the brain; 

• urgently call an ambulance for hospitalization. 

“12817”] Unconsciousness for four hours disrupts the blood circulation in the brain, which causes damage to some of its parts.


Early diagnosed hypoglycemia is corrected by diet. The menu is selected taking into account carbohydrate metabolism.

Foods with long-digesting fiber (vegetables, cereals, legumes, fruits, grains, durum pasta) stimulate the gradual production of insulin.

Fast carbohydrates and sugary confectionery products are excluded, they are needed to relieve an attack and are not intended for everyday use.

It is impossible to completely and permanently exclude carbohydrate food from the diet, as well as its qualitative replacement. Sugar (including hidden sugar), industrial confectionery products provoke a jump in glucose, which will cause a sharp decrease in sugar.

“12817”] You can limit the amount of carbohydrates without risk to health by 120-150 g, subject to normal physical and mental stress.

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