Pre-Diabetes Blood Sugar

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

Pre-Diabetes Blood Sugar

If the patient is diagnosed with prediabetes, the blood sugar level is in the range from 5.5 to 6.9 units. This pathology appears to be a borderline state when the patient does not yet have diabetes, but the pathological process is already observed in the body.

The prediabetic state appears to be the diagnosis that should bother any person. If during this period you do not take the necessary measures to normalize sugar levels to the required level, then diabetes will develop over time.

As a rule, the doctor’s main recommendations are to change his lifestyle: a healthy diet, optimal physical activity, as well as constant monitoring of blood sugar.

So, let’s consider what prediabetes is, and what danger does a person face from this diagnosis? How to measure blood with a glucometer, and is it possible to treat a prediabetic state with Metformin?

General Prediabetes Information

What is a prediabetic state, patients are interested in? In terms of medical practice, this is a disorder of sugar tolerance. In other words, the process of assimilation and processing of glucose in the human body is disrupted.

Against the background of this pathological condition, the pancreas still produces insulin, but this amount is no longer enough for the required amount of glucose to reach the cellular level.

All patients diagnosed with prediabetes immediately fall into the risk group for a “sweet” disease of the second type. However, there is no reason to panic. Unlike sugar disease, prediabetes can be completely cured.

How is the diagnosis made? The doctor always relies on the results of tests obtained in laboratory conditions. As a rule, for a correct diagnosis, several studies are necessary. The doctor has tables showing acceptable standards:

  • If sugar values ​​vary from 3.3 to 5.4 units, then this is the norm.
  • When a glucose test showed a result from 5.5 to 6.9, this indicates that the patient has a prediabetic state.
  • If the blood sugar of a person is over 7.0 units, we can talk about high-grade diabetes.

If one study showed abnormal sugar values, then the doctor recommends a sugar load test. This study allows you to determine the rate of absorption of sugar by the human body.

When the result is up to 7.8 units, then this is the norm. With indicators that range from 7.8 to 11.1 units – this is no longer the norm, it is prediabetes. Over 11.1 units, you can talk about a “sweet” disease.

Important: the sugar norm does not depend on the gender of the person, but there is a certain link to age. For children, the upper limit is the norm of 5.3 units, for people over 60 years old – the upper bar is 6.4 units.

Are there any symptoms of the prediabetic state?

Many patients are interested in whether there are any symptoms that indicate the development of a prediabetic state, and how can the pathology be noticed in time? Unfortunately, in the vast majority of clinical pictures, symptoms are not observed.

A person lives an ordinary life, he can feel good, he is not bothered by anything, nevertheless, sugar rises above the permissible norm. As a rule, this situation is observed in 99% of cases.

In addition, patients with a high sensitivity to sugar elevation may experience some negative symptoms. Therefore, first of all, it is recommended to pay attention to the following:

  1. Constantly thirsty.
  2. Profuse and frequent urination.
  3. Dry mouth.
  4. Skin problems.
  5. Visual impairment.
  6. Constant lethargy and apathy.

Usually, a prediabetic state is detected by chance, and a person does not suspect anything. This can occur during a routine blood test (routine) or routine examination.

In medical practice, there is a list of people who are at risk of developing a sweet disease. High probability of developing a sugar disease in the following groups of people:

  • If the history has a hereditary predisposition to pathology.
  • Women who have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes while bearing a baby. And also those girls who gave birth to a baby over 4 kilograms.
  • Overweight, any degree of obesity.
  • Wrong and inactive lifestyle.
  • Representatives of the weaker sex who have polycystic ovary in the history of the disease.

To diagnose a prediabetic state, the doctor may recommend a blood test from the finger for sugar content, or prescribe a test for susceptibility to sugar, or glycated hemoglobin.

Metformin in the treatment of prediabetes

If the patient has a prediabetic state, then he is immediately advised to change his lifestyle. In particular, to review his menu and the foods he eats, he is advised to switch to a low-carb diet for diabetics. 

The second point of non-drug therapy is the optimal physical activity for patients. It is argued that it is physical activity that helps to increase the susceptibility of tissues to sugar.

Many patients, when they detect prediabetes, are panicky afraid of getting diabetes, so they are looking for ways to prevent this. In this regard, some have the question, is it possible to take Metformin for the treatment of prediabetes, and how long should I drink it?

Indeed, in a number of situations, Metformin may be recommended for the treatment of prediabetes. This medicine is prescribed to reduce excess weight, as well as to slow down the aging process.

Metformin should not be taken in the following cases:

  1. During the bearing of a child, during lactation.
  2. With a low-calorie diet.
  3. After injuries and surgery.
  4. With impaired liver function.
  5. Against the background of renal failure.
  6. Children’s age up to 10 years.

Patients taking Metformin note that over time, sugar returns to normal, there are no jumps in glucose after eating.

On the Internet, this question often arises: is it possible to take Metformin for the prevention of diabetes? The issue is relevant, in connection with the prevalence of the “sweet” disease.

However, this is not necessary. Metformin helps only in those cases when it has the locally correct dosage and frequency of use. It is safe to say that self-medication with a medication will not bring anything good.

There are cases when healthy people took the medicine in order to reduce their own weight. The extra pounds really went away, but they were replaced by health problems.

How to measure your sugar yourself?

One of the points to prevent the transformation of the prediabetic state into diabetes is the constant monitoring of sugar at different times of the day: in the morning before breakfast, after eating, physical activity, at bedtime, and so on.

To implement this, a special device that can be purchased at the pharmacy will help, and it is called a glucometer. This device allows you to find out the blood sugar at home. 

There are various price ranges for measuring glucose in the human body. To a glucometer, you need to buy test strips on which biological fluid is applied.

The measurement process is quite simple:

  • Wash hands, wipe dry.
  • Pierce a finger, apply a small amount of blood to a strip.
  • Insert it into the fixture.
  • Literally after 15 seconds you can find out the result.

This method helps to control sugar, and in time to prevent its increase, respectively, to prevent the likely complications that may occur due to high blood sugar.

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