Rules on how to donate blood for glucose during pregnancy: the rate of sugar in pregnant women
The blood glucose level during pregnancy will give accurate information about the condition of a pregnant woman, and will be able to prevent the pathological processes of intrauterine development of the baby. This carbohydrate is a source of energy required for a number of chemical and biochemical processes in the human body.
With the breakdown of glucose in the blood during pregnancy, the expectant mother receives full energy and nutrition, while not only her cells are saturated, but also the cells of the developing fetus. And any deviation from normal indicators helps to timely identify the onset of the pathological process, preventing further complications.
As a rule, the doctor recommends taking a sugar test if close relatives have a history of diabetes mellitus, the woman is overweight, previously had a miscarriage, there is an infectious inflammation in the urethra, as well as during pregnancy after 35 years of age.
It is necessary to consider how to take the test correctly, what is the rate of blood sugar during pregnancy? In addition, it is important to find out how high blood glucose levels affect pregnancy?
Blood test during pregnancy
It is known that pregnancy leads to a restructuring of the body, and this restructuring does not always have a positive effect on the body of a woman in a position. The first glucose test is performed at the time a woman registers with an antenatal clinic (approximately 8-12 weeks).
If during this period deviations from normal indicators were noticed, then the doctor without fail recommends to pass the analysis again, while the biological fluid is taken not only from the finger, but also from the vein.
In addition, it is necessary to donate urine so that several tests can confirm or deny the alleged diagnosis.
In situations where all indicators fit into the framework of normal numbers, the next analysis should be taken only at 28-30 weeks of pregnancy. To get reliable indicators, and find out the glucose level without errors, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules before taking the analysis:
- Blood is always donated on an empty stomach (it is forbidden to eat in the morning), in addition, it is generally advisable not to eat it eight hours before donating blood. It is permissible to drink ordinary non-carbonated liquid (mineral water and carbonated drinks are not allowed).
- If the day before the test, the patient’s general condition worsened, she felt unwell, it is necessary to inform the medical worker.
- The day before the analysis, it is advisable to have a good sleep, not to overload your stomach with heavy food.
- An hour or more before the analysis, it is advisable to avoid physical activity, since this circumstance will affect the accuracy of the results.
If for some reason a woman during pregnancy cannot go to the clinic to take a blood glucose test, you can take it at home using a glucometer .
It is worth noting that if, during the first study, a woman was found to have high blood sugar, this is not a reason for panic and serious concern.
There can be a great many reasons for this condition, for example, blood from a finger (vein) was taken incorrectly, a sleepless night, severe stress, fatigue after physical activity.
Sugar rate during pregnancy
During pregnancy, all internal systems are rebuilt in the female body to ensure the full development of the fetus in the womb.
In addition, hormonal levels may change. It is these factors that directly affect the blood sugar level, and can change it in one direction or another.
The norm of blood sugar in women in the position is set slightly lower than in other situations, and varies in this limit – 4.3-6.6 units.
When the blood sugar level changes, this allows the doctor to suspect a number of serious pathologies. Glucose testing is a routine test and is recommended for all pregnant women.
The doctor may unscheduled a blood donation if the patient has the following complaints:
- There is a metallic taste in the mouth.
- Constantly thirsty.
- Frequent urge to use the toilet.
- Chronic fatigue that does not go away even after many hours of rest.
- Persistent increase in blood pressure indicators.
At the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman takes a blood test for glucose tolerance, its duration is about three hours. First, blood is taken on an empty stomach, then every hour, 100 grams of glucose is injected into the woman, and blood is taken again. The norm of the indicators of this test:
- On an empty stomach, the norm is considered to be up to 5.1 units.
- After one hour after the administration of glucose – up to 10.5 units.
- After 120 minutes – up to 9.2 units.
- After 180 minutes – up to 8 units.
If the first biochemical analysis showed a poor result, then blood for tolerance is recommended to be donated at an earlier date.
When studies lower the bar of less than 3 units, lower blood glucose is assumed, and when more than 7 units, higher blood sugar.
Deviations from the norm
According to medical statistics, during pregnancy, low glucose levels are much less common than high glucose levels. A decrease in sugar can be based on various reasons: severe toxicosis at the beginning of pregnancy, the fragile structure of a woman, and malnutrition.
A decrease in glucose can lead to the formation of acetone in the blood, which has a toxic effect on the body of the mother and the fetus.
As a rule, drug therapy in this case is not recommended, however, to increase sugar, the doctor may inject a glucose solution, recommend increasing the calorie content of the diet.
After the second trimester of pregnancy, in the vast majority of cases, blood glucose begins to rise gradually, and the patient’s condition returns to normal.
Many pregnant women have an elevated blood sugar test, which is a serious risk. Because you can develop “diabetes mellitus of a pregnant woman” or diabetes of the gestational type.
And it is not possible to predict in advance whether health will return to normal after childbirth. In some cases, this condition goes away, and in others, diabetes is diagnosed.
There are certain risk factors that lead to high blood sugar:
- Heredity, that is, the presence of a disease in close relatives.
- Pregnancy after 35 years.
- Polyhydramnios, large fruit size.
- Excessive body weight.
- Early unsuccessful pregnancies resulting in miscarriage.
- Taking some hormonal drugs for the treatment of infertility.
The main danger of high blood sugar is that this indicator not only depresses the general well-being of a woman, but can also lead to the loss of a child.
An excess of glucose provokes earlier aging of the placenta, as a result of which oxygen starvation occurs, and the intrauterine development of the baby stops, he dies.
Diabetes gestational type takes place against the backdrop of swelling of the lower extremities, weight loss and a persistent increase in blood pressure. To control this condition, the doctor prescribes insulin administration and a wellness diet.
In conclusion, it is advisable to note that if elevated glucose is detected in time, and if you contact your doctor in a timely manner for appropriate recommendations, then a woman with high blood sugar will give birth to a completely healthy baby, and sugar is normalized after the birth of the child.