Vitamins for Diabetes: An Overview of Vitamins for Diabetics

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

Vitamins for Diabetes: An Overview of Vitamins for Diabetics

The type of diabetes of the disease determines which vitamins and minerals may be suitable for people suffering from this disease. For example, patients with compensated diabetes regularly experience some drowsiness, weakness, and low efficiency. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that they have disorders in carbohydrate metabolism. Regular intake of medications, a strict diet and other factors negatively affect the metabolic capabilities of the human body. Everyone has heard about the beneficial qualities of vitamins since school days.

Vitamins optimize blood sugar levels in diabetics, and also prevent free radicals from damaging membranes at the cellular level.

Features of diabetes and the importance of vitamins for the body

Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease that does not allow the human body to normally assimilate the entire volume of glucose entering it. This is accompanied by a high concentration of sugar in the circulatory system. This pathology appears due to a malfunction of the pancreas, as a result of poor-quality synthesis of its hormone. It is curious that insulin plays a special role in the process of carbohydrate metabolism, since it is he who improves the permeability of cells so that glucose penetrates into them. Due to the constant lack of fluid, hypovitaminosis, as well as unbalanced nutrition, the liver’s filtration capacity deteriorates by an order of magnitude, and with them the ability to utilize glucose. Interestingly, the cells will ignore signals from the brain to “let in” the secret, while constantly “resisting” insulin. There are a great many varieties of this disease. Only the vast majority of people suffering from diabetes mellitus belong to patients of the 1st and 2nd groups. Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin and therefore cannot absorb glucose. As a result, there is an acute shortage of energy, which the body will try to compensate from its “reserves” by using fat cells. This type can be called autoimmune or acquired at birth. Type 2 diabetes is considered to be the exact opposite of type 1, and even its causes have a slightly different origin. If type 1 diabetes is diagnosed in people under the age of 20, then the second type is often manifested in people over forty who are prone to being overweight. If in the first case the body is not able to produce the required amount of insulin on its own and such cells are eliminated under the influence of external factors, then in the second case the required amount of insulin is produced. But there is so much glucose that even this insulin is not enough. As noted earlier, while type 1 diabetes is usually congenital, the second type is considered acquired through poor lifestyle choices. The obvious reason doctors prescribe vitamins to diabetics is that the rise in blood sugar causes frequent urge to urinate. Such a reaction of the body is natural, but it is extremely negative, since because of this, a lot of useful substances are washed out.   

To prevent vitamin deficiency and other concomitant diseases during the treatment of a diabetic, experts insist on using specialized complexes of vitamins and minerals.

What vitamins are required for diabetes

Regardless of the observed violations of the body’s resistance to glucose, it is required to minimize the presence of free radicals in the circulatory system. For this, endocrinologists prescribe antioxidant substances to patients.

  • Vitamin A (retinol). This vitamin is an extremely powerful antioxidant that slows down the degradation of the pancreas. It normalizes the immune response, protects the eyes. If a person is deficient in retinol, then the mucous membrane of the eye may suffer first. To obtain this vitamin, it is enough to add cream, milk, liver or eggs to your diet. 
  • Vitamin C (L- ascorbate ). This vitamin is one of the main antioxidant factors, cancer protector and immunomodulator. The nutrient itself absorbs most of the free radicals. Responsible for strengthening the walls of blood vessels, improving the body’s resistance to hypoxia, as well as for the rapid production of sex hormones. In addition, ascorbic acid prevents the development of complications from diabetes, such as cataracts, kidney failure, and leg damage. Rosehip is the main source of ascorbic acid. 
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol). Tocopherol is the most powerful free radical scavenger, which strengthens the endogenous defenses of the whole organism. In addition, vitamin E takes part in tissue respiration, increases the filtration capacity of the kidneys. It is present in almost all vegetable oils, as well as in nuts, spinach, buckwheat. 
  • Vitamin N ( lipoic acid ). The main task of this substance is to increase the rate of production of new nerve fibers, which inevitably suffer in the process of “resistance” to insulin. At the same time, such a compound improves the breakdown of glucose by cells, and also protects the pancreas from destruction. For a positive effect, it is required to use in conjunction with vitamin B. 
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Thiamine acts as a regulator of glucose metabolism within cells, which prevents the emergence and development of the corresponding pathologies. These pathologies include nephropathy, neuropathy, vascular dysfunction, and retinopathy. 
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). The task of pyridoxine is to control protein metabolism, as well as accelerate the production of hemoglobin. In addition to this, it improves the psycho-emotional background. 
  • Vitamin B7 (biotin). This vitamin acts like insulin for the entire human body. This is reflected in the fact that the need for the hormone is reduced. It stimulates the production of protective antibodies, improves the regeneration of epithelial tissues. 
  • Vitamin B11 (L-Carnitine). This vitamin allows you to increase insulin sensitivity in cells, and also helps to improve carbohydrate-fat metabolism due to the fact that low density lipoproteins are burned. 
  • Vitamin B12 (cobalamin). Cobalamin is important in the metabolic process. This also applies to the exchange of carbohydrates, protein, lipids, nucleotides. It also acts as a stimulant for the muscular and nervous systems. It also increases the rate of regeneration of damaged areas of the human body (the mucous lining of the eye also belongs to them). 

What minerals do diabetics need?

To optimize the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body, in addition to vitamins, it is required to consume macro and microelements.

It is recommended that you review the following list of minerals.

  • Chromium. It is also called picolinate and is an essential nutrient for type 2 diabetics. This is due to the fact that it is able to suppress the craving for sweets, and increases the permeability of cells. 
  • Selenium. An essential antioxidant for diabetics that protects the entire body from damage. They are oxidative by free radicals. At the same time, it optimizes the microcirculation of the circulatory bodies, gives immunity to respiratory diseases. 
  • Zinc . He, like nothing else, is able to prolong youth at the cellular level, while it is often included in most hormones and enzymes. In the case of diabetes mellitus, it is difficult to overestimate its ability to reproduce insulin compounds responsible for the metabolism of carbohydrates. In addition, it increases the absorption of vitamin A in the liver.
  • Manganese. Increases the hypoglycemic qualities of insulin, and also minimizes the intensity of the process of liver degeneration from fat. In addition, the rate of serotonin synthesis increases and is directly involved in the production of thyroid hormones. 
  • Magnesium. Perfectly stimulates the pancreas to absorb glucose, increases the performance of insulin and helps reduce the risk of diabetes. Helps to calm the heartbeat and nervous system, normalizes blood pressure. 

In addition to all this set of minerals, an antioxidant called coenzyme Q10 is often included in the diet of a diabetic patient . It significantly improves the tissue structure of the pancreas, increases the rate of “burning” of fat and helps cells to carry out constant division. 

Vitamin complexes useful for diabetics

Everyone knows that the diet of a diabetic is strictly limited to foods that have a low glycemic index. To satisfy the acute shortage of nutrients in the human body, you can start taking ready-made vitamin complexes. An overview of pharmacy vitamins for diabetics is presented below.


As part of the ” alphabet ” is present nine minerals and vitamins thirteen, according to the manufacturer. There are extracts from plants with medicinal properties and acids of organic origin. This drug was developed taking into account all metabolic disorders inherent in diabetics. The complex itself is filled with various substances that help prevent complications in diabetes. These include extracts from dandelion, blueberry, lipoic and succinic acids.

Food supplements from Woerwag Pharma

This complex is a set of two trace elements and eleven vitamins. Usually, it is prescribed for obvious symptoms of hypovitaminosis in patients with type 1 or 2 diabetes, as well as as a prophylaxis of the disease. The only contraindication can be only intolerance or allergy to one of the elements of the formula.

Doppel Herz Activ “Vitamins for Diabetics”

This complex is extremely popular, as it contains basic vitamins and four main trace elements. The main emphasis of the manufacturer was placed on improving the metabolic processes of the whole body, preventing complications in the kidneys and vision. This drug is extremely effective when taken separately from other drugs, as well as in conjunction with other drugs.


The daily intake of fourteen vitamins is contained in one package of this drug. These include lipoic and folic acids. Also, this complex also contains basic trace elements such as magnesium, selenium, zinc and chromium. It helps to improve blood flow for symptoms of microangiopathy by using their Ginkgo biloba extract . This drug satisfies the patient’s low-carbohydrate diet, thereby optimizing the metabolism of the human body.

Complivit Calcium D3

Calcium is beneficial on its own as it increases the density of dental tissues, normalizes blood clotting and strengthens bones. It is very useful for people who do not consume or do not tolerate dairy products, as well as for children in the period of full growth. Retinol is present in the formula of this drug, which controls visual acuity and the condition of the mucous membrane of the eye. And the composition includes exclusively artificial sugar substitutes, so that it is suitable for patients with diabetes.

Be careful with diabetes!

According to the latest WHO data, up to two million people die from diabetes and its complications every year.

If you do not provide appropriate help and support to the body in time, then diabetes gradually destroys the hum

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