Apples for a diabetic: is it possible with type 2 diabetes?

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

Apples for a diabetic: is it possible with type 2 diabetes?

Russian orchards have always been rich in apples. Given their quantity and availability, so many dishes and preparations are made from the fruits that then they do not know where to put all the good produced. Well, in the fresh version, they begin to be used, and in large quantities. Diabetics often think that the acidity of a fruit is inversely related to its sugar content. That is, in simpler terms: the sour the apple, the less sugar it contains, and therefore you can consume it as much as you like.

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All apples taste and color are the same

The first thing that every type 2 diabetic should know is the fact that the amount of sugar does not depend in any way on either the acid or the color. Therefore, judging in the context of glucose control, it does not matter which apple to give preference to. It is important to introduce them into the diet in moderation and reasonably, that is, not to exceed the acceptable threshold. The sweet taste is determined in the apple by the amount of sugars – glucose with fructose. The sour taste comes from the abundance of organic acids. Moreover, about 70% of them refer to malic acid. Therefore, the taste is mostly corrected by the last substances, and not by the amount of sugar. In an apple, the level of fructose and glucose can vary, but within 10-12%, while the acids can differ significantly from one product to another.

Southern apples are sweet, but northern apples are more sour. But their sugar index is generally about the same. The color of the apple also does not affect the level of the presented substance.

Which apple variety is healthier?

The benefits of one or another type of apple are still controversial among doctors. Some say that it doesn’t matter which one to give preference to, while others recommend apples to diabetics of type 2 ailment to consume sweet and sour green and red varieties:

  • Simirenko Renet;
  • Mac;
  • Granny Smith;
  • Melba;
  • Golden Rangers;
  • Antonovka;
  • Jonathan;
  • Winter Banana;
  • Golden.

These varieties benefit eyesight, skin, heart with vessels, kidneys and so on. A rich vitamin set only complements their beneficial characteristics. So again, personal preference comes into play here.

How are apples eaten for diabetes?

It should be borne in mind that with such a diagnosis as type 2 diabetes mellitus, not all variations of apple dishes are possible. It is already clear that it is permissible to eat 1 large fruit per day, divided into two approaches or 2 small ones. This applies to fresh apples. It is also permissible:

  • Grated apple, carrot and lemon juice salad;
  • Baked apples;
  • Boiled fruits;
  • Dried or pickled apples.

It is noteworthy that drying can be consumed no more than 50 g per meal, which is also worth considering. And it is impossible to combine with other types of fruit preparation. But if we talk about unacceptable cooking options, then these include juices, preserves, jams.

Pickled apples have a lower glycemic index, but at the same time retain almost the entire volume of vitamins and other “usefulness”.

Benefits for diabetics

This product is endowed with the best properties that will positively affect literally everyone’s body. It should be borne in mind that this is perhaps one of the few cultures that endocrinologists have allowed to introduce into the diet of diabetics. This is explained by a complex of reasons:

  • When taking the norm of apples per day, the sugar indicator rises minimally, keeping within the generally accepted norms;
  • In diabetes, they will help to prevent vascular disorders;
  • A large proportion of vitamin and mineral components allows you to supplement the diet with deficient substances;
  • Fiber, cellulose and other rough elements in the composition help to absorb some of the fats and fast carbohydrates;
  • Approximately 85% of the fruit is water, with the rest divided into carbohydrates (11%), organic acids (9%), proteins and fats (2%).

Apples have their own glycemic index – no more than 35 units, while the acceptable threshold is considered to be no more than 55. This is almost the only fruit from which hyperglycemia and coma do not develop, if, of course, a diabetic follows the rules for taking fruit in the diet. prescribed for type 2 diabetes.

An apple can affect, in a positive context, the digestive tract, kidney function, heart, blood composition, immunity and other body systems. It is believed that fruits of this kind are even capable of preventing diabetic neuritis, rheumatoid arthritis, malignant growths, and multiple sclerosis.

What other benefits can you get?

In general, this fruit is a storehouse of valuable substances. There is fiber, vitamins with minerals, and pectin. If we talk in more detail about the most famous properties, then stand out:

  • A large amount of iodine will be useful if it is deficient, but the fruit is consumed with seeds;
  • Also, the composition is aimed at lowering uric acid, and therefore apples are just a godsend for gout;
  • Pectin takes on a part of toxins, toxins, poisons from the gastrointestinal tract, preventing them from being absorbed into the blood from the intestines;
  • The risk of stroke and heart attack with a daily consumption of one medium apple is reduced by 21%;
  • Fiber helps to increase the production of insulin, and it is the one that is contained in the peel.

Studies have shown that people who like to eat this fruit on a daily basis live 20% longer on average. Accordingly, tales about rejuvenating apples are in a sense quite real, but it is important to know your own measure. Apples provide vitamins throughout the year, although their volume is lost during prolonged winter storage. But even despite this, it can be considered that apples are an ideal year-round source of useful elements, which, nevertheless, needs a controlled intake.

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