Avitaminosis and diabetes mellitus: what causes the blood vessels in the eyes to burst?

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Avitaminosis and diabetes mellitus: what causes the blood vessels in the eyes to burst?

Sometimes, forgetting to go to bed on time or after watching a movie, we find redness of the eyes and blood vessels bursting in them.

Fortunately, few people face the problem of bursting capillaries in the eyes. This state of the vessels is accompanied by redness and discomfort in the form of burning, because blood flows out of the ruptured vessel. In addition to painful sensations, the organ of vision can look frightening and unaesthetic.

Among the reasons, experts call overwork, prolonged work at the computer, smoking, eye injuries, wearing lenses. Capillaries can collapse due to the fragility of the walls of the eye vessels, therefore it is necessary to exclude vascular disease, increased intraocular pressure, blood diseases, diabetes mellitus. 

Due to vitamin deficiency, namely the lack of the trace element rutin and vitamins C and A, the elasticity of the vascular walls suffers. Meteosensitive people are prone to capillary hemorrhage in the eyes at moments of drops. And alcohol in an excessive dose can “backfire” not only with a headache, but also with hemorrhage in the eyes.  

There are many reasons for the problem of bursting capillaries, but as soon as they appear, you should immediately contact ophthalmologists.

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