Diabetic nephropathy

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

Diabetic nephropathy

DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY is a kidney disease that develops in patients with diabetes mellitus against the background of elevated blood sugar levels. Nephropathy in diabetes mellitus is dangerous because at its early stages patients do not feel any discomfort. Let’s consider in more detail what happens in the human body under the influence of high glucose levels?         

The kidneys are an organ that cleanses the body of toxins – harmful substances. With a high sugar level, the small vessels of the kidneys are damaged, through which the excretion of harmful substances is carried out . As a result, kidney function is impaired, and nitrogenous substances begin to accumulate in the body .           

The kidneys can be compared to a filter that releases into the external environment only those substances that the body does not need. But kidney damage leads to a violation of their function (filtration capacity), which is expressed in the elimination of such a useful substance as microprotein from the body . This is based on the early diagnosis of renal disease: elimination with urine albumin that is greater than the normal value – microalbuminuria .       

It is at this stage, when carrying out a certain treatment, that the development of complications can be prevented. If the necessary measures are not taken at an early stage, then later protein molecules of a larger size – protein (proteinuria) – will begin to be excreted in the urine. In addition, symptoms such as impaired glomerular filtration rate (GFR), increased blood pressure, and edema may appear. In turn, this leads to an increase in slagging of the body, which can cause the development of the terminal stage of renal failure. It is very important to identify diabetic nephropathy in a timely manner and start treatment immediately.  

Normalization and stabilization indicators Saharan blood (compensation of diabetes), as well as regular special investigations – is the most important factors affecting the health of the kidneys.

1. Features of the study of microalbumin in urine (carried out using the MICRAL TEST): a \ During the first five years from the date of diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, it should be carried out at least once a year; b \ after five years from the onset of the disease, it is necessary to carry out this procedure 2 times a year. 2. In the presence of proteinuria: a \ daily proteinuria should be carried out at least once every three months; b \ the rate of glomerular filtration should be determined at least once every six months; c) carry out daily blood pressure monitoring at home; d \ do a biochemical blood test (determine the level of creatinine and urea in the blood serum) once every six months.  



If an increased level of albumin in the urine is detected, it is necessary to normalize the blood glucose level, blood pressure, and also discuss the features of the necessary treatment with the doctor.  

If a larger protein, protein, is detected in the urine, it is necessary to limit the consumption of table salt and animal protein to 0.6 – 0.8 g / kg of body weight. In the case of an increase in blood pressure above 135/85 mm Hg, the doctor prescribes constant antihypertensive treatment.  

People with diabetes should regularly check their blood glucose before meals and 2 hours after meals. This procedure is greatly facilitated by devices such as glucometers (for example, Clover Check, Kontur TS, OneTachSelectSimple , iChek , etc.).   

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