How long do diabetics live with diabetes mellitus: life expectancy with type 1 and 2 diabetes

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

How long do diabetics live with diabetes mellitus: life expectancy with type 1 and 2 diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a group of endocrine disorders that are associated with a disorder in the absorption of glucose, and developing due to complete or relative insufficiency of insulin, as a result, there is a persistent increase in blood sugar.

Based on statistics, we can say that this disease is significantly “younger”, and every year it is diagnosed not only in young people, but also in children.

When a person is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, panic is often observed against this background, because everyone knows that this ailment in a number of situations reduces life expectancy, and can even lead to death due to its complications.

Diabetes mellitus is accompanied by a disorder of the functioning of the cardiovascular system, endocrine ailments, disturbance of the visual apparatus, pathologies of the heart, liver, kidneys and other internal organs.

It is due to the large list of probable consequences that patients with diabetes mellitus have a shorter life expectancy when compared with healthy people, or those who have a history of chronic pathologies that do not affect the entire human body.

It is necessary to figure out how many people live with diabetes mellitus, and what do medical statistics say about this? Who was put into the risk category and how to live with diabetes?

How long does one live with type 1 diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes is also called insulin-dependent, because every day a person uses hormone injections to maintain their sugar at the required level. Based on this fact, we can say that life expectancy in this case depends on the diet, physical activity, as well as the use of medications.

Typically, after diabetes has been diagnosed, a person’s life expectancy is at least 30 years. Over time, other chronic pathologies of the kidneys and liver join the main ailment, which significantly reduces the duration of life, and leads to death.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, a diabetic learns about his pathology before the age of 30. In this regard, if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, monitor your diet, and introduce optimal physical activity into your life, then the age of 60 will not be the limit.

Based on statistical information, we can say that the life expectancy of diabetics has increased to 70 years or more. This is due to the fact that patients have realized the correctness of the application of a healthy diet, constantly monitor the concentration of sugar in the blood, and do not forget to take medications.

Statistical information on life expectancy depending on the patient’s gender:

  • Due to the disease in the fairer sex, the life span is reduced by about 20 years.
  • In the stronger sex, life expectancy becomes shorter by an average of 12 years.

In a situation where the patient’s stage of illness is neglected, the progression of the disease is carried out almost instantly, so it is not possible to say how many years he will live.

It is also worth noting that the first type of diabetes in all people “differs” in its course, so one cannot discount the physiological characteristics of a person, the severity of pathology, which in its symbiosis can affect life expectancy.

How long do you live with type 2 diabetes?

If people have a second type of diabetes, their first question is how long do people with this type of disease live? According to statistics, this type of ailment is observed much more often when compared with the first type.

As a rule, type 2 in the vast majority of cases is found in people who are over 50 years old. With this form of pathology, the functionality of the heart and kidneys is disrupted, which ultimately can lead to early death.

However, statistics say that with type 2 diabetes you can live much longer than with the first type of pathology. The life span is reduced by only 5-6 years, but usually this category of patients already has a disability due to the progression of the pathology and the presence of serious complications.

How long can you live with this form of diabetes? Unfortunately, this question cannot be fully answered. We can only say that timely control of glucose, blood pressure, proper nutrition and moderate physical activity all significantly increase life expectancy.

Who is usually included in the high-risk group?

Unambiguously, the likelihood of life reduction increases in those patients who already have serious complications of diabetes mellitus in their anamnesis.

Also at risk are young children, adolescents, and people who consume alcoholic beverages, diabetics with atherosclerotic changes in the body. In addition, smokers can also be classified in this category.

Every year, an increasing number of young children and adolescents are identified who have type 1 diabetes mellitus, which requires the administration of insulin.

Problems can be based on the following reasons:

  1. In most cases, diabetes in children and adolescents is diagnosed at a time when the body has already weakened.
  2. Parents, for independent reasons, are not always able to control the administration of insulin, as a result of which the course of the disease is aggravated.
  3. With diabetes mellitus, regardless of its form, you should not eat sweets, flour, carbonated drinks and other unhealthy foods. And this position is not always clear to the child, and he cannot refuse them, secretly absorbing sweet foods from his parents, as a result, tangible harm is caused to health.

Many people who have not been able to quit smoking and give up drinking, significantly reduce not only the quality of their lives, but also its duration. A person can live with diabetes long enough if he eliminates bad habits that cause irreparable harm to his health.

People with atherosclerotic changes are included in a special risk category, because such pathologies lead to early complications, as a result, early death. For example, gangrene in diabetes mellitus. 

Despite the fact that it is removed, this circumstance makes it possible to increase the life expectancy by no more than two years.

Living with diabetes

In order to prolong your life as much as possible while maintaining its quality, you must carefully adhere to all the rules and recommendations that are prescribed for diabetics.

In the literal sense, it is vital to measure the concentration of glucose in the blood every day (preferably several times a day, observing its dynamics), measure blood pressure indicators, in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations to take medications, adhere to a health-improving diet, not forgetting about optimal physical activity …

An important role is also played by stress in diabetes mellitus, which can take away all the strength of the human body in order to cope with pathology. To prevent stress from becoming the “last” drop for a weakened organism, you need to fight your emotions with all your might, and look at any situation exclusively from the positive side. 

It is also required to note such significant points:

  • As a rule, when a person finds out about his diagnosis, he falls into a panic state, which can play an evil, if not deadly joke with him in the near future.
  • Drug abuse “for maximum effectiveness” from the patient’s point of view is a direct way to make the situation worse.
  • It is necessary to clearly understand that self-medication is strictly prohibited.
  • All questions that relate to taking medications, as well as folk remedies, are discussed exclusively with the treating doctor, and not with friends or associates “in misfortune”.

Statistics show that a considerable number of diabetics were able to live to a ripe old age. It was this category of people who were attentive to their health, guided by the recommendations of doctors, and used all the required procedures to maintain a full standard of living.

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