How to quickly lower blood sugar?

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

How to quickly lower blood sugar?

Patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus receive not only information from their doctor on how to lower their sugar levels, but also qualified recommendations on proper nutrition and the use of alternative medicine.

Drug therapy helps to quickly lower blood sugar levels. The choice of medication depends on the type of diabetes mellitus, blood glucose levels. Compensation for changes in carbohydrate metabolism is achieved through sugar-lowering drugs, insulin.

However, an equally important role is played by proper nutrition, optimal physical activity for a diabetic, which helps to reduce the amount of prescribed medications.

The main task is not only to reduce sugar in the patient’s body, but also to stabilize it at the required level. That is why many doctors recommend, along with drug treatment, not to abandon therapy with folk remedies.

Therefore, it is necessary to figure out how to normalize blood sugar levels with folk remedies? What remedy will help at home, and what can you use to improve your well-being?

Physical activity of a diabetic

Doctors say that if a diabetic is engaged in the same type of physical activity, then his sugar will decrease. These sports include exercise at home, walking, swimming, cycling, yoga.

Physical activity reduces blood glucose during exercise, as well as for several hours after. The intensity and duration of the lesson will help to choose the attending doctor, since the accompanying pathologies are also taken into account without fail.

It should be noted that training is allowed only for those people whose blood sugar values ​​vary from 5 to 15 units. If a patient’s glucose content exceeds 15 units, then physical activity is not recommended for him, because it will lead to an increase in sugar.

If the patient feels bad, he has weakness and lethargy, then there is an absolutely safe way to lower the concentration of glucose in the body, and he fully answers the question of how to lower blood sugar at home.

Exercises to help normalize glucose concentration:

  • Take small dumbbells and lower them to your hips, then lift the dumbbells, turning your arms to your shoulders on the way. The arms should return to the reverse position slowly, and the intensity of the exercise performed should be moderate.
  • Pick up dumbbells and raise them to ear level, at this time, the arms should be bent about 90 degrees. From this position, you need to raise your arms up, making them straight, and then return to the starting position.
  • Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, bend your knees. Slowly raise your head, feeling how the abdominal muscles tense, then gradually lower to the original position.

These exercises are completely safe and are aimed at lowering sugar by absorbing it into the muscles. In addition, due to such exercises, cholesterol will be low, blood pressure indicators will decrease, and health will be normalized.

Each workout includes 10 to 15 approaches, and each approach is carried out at half a minute intervals.

Nutritional balance in diabetes

When asked how to quickly lower blood sugar, doctors recommend adhering to a certain diet that does not allow sudden surges in blood sugar and ensures normal blood glucose concentration.

In particular, a low-carb diet is recommended for diabetics, which helps to improve their well-being and prevents the complications of such an insidious disease as diabetes. 

Patients believe that diet means nothing, but in reality with diabetes there is an extensive list of foods that allows you to eat not only healthy and healthy, but tasty and varied.

The following foods can lower blood sugar:

  1. Shrimp, mussels and other seafood.
  2. Pumpkin and zucchini.
  3. Black currant, celery, olives.
  4. Oatmeal.
  5. Nut products.
  6. Cinnamon.
  7. Avocado, lemon, cherry.

By eating only the right foods, you can lower your blood glucose. However, you need to consider another list that contributes to high sugar, therefore, you should refuse such products in your menu:

  • Confectionery baked goods.
  • Carbonated sweet drinks.
  • Sweet fruits and dried fruits.
  • Fat meat.
  • Butter.
  • Fatty dairy products.

A wide variety of dishes can be prepared from permitted products. Doctors advise making a menu for the week so as not to think every day what to cook for yourself for lunch or dinner. Recipes for type 2 diabetics can help make the diet nutritious and low in blood sugar.  

Folk remedies

The traditional way to lower sugar is with the earthen pear method. Jerusalem artichoke contains insulin and fructose, which provide normal carbohydrate metabolism in the body, promote the elimination of toxic substances and toxins.

To reduce the concentration of sugar, you can eat earthen pears raw a few pieces a day, or you can fry them like ordinary potatoes.

To reduce sugar, a decoction is also prepared with Jerusalem artichoke: pour a few pears with water, put on fire and after boiling for 20 minutes, then cool naturally, strain and take 100 ml three times a day.

Patient reviews indicate that, despite the age of this method, it really helps to improve well-being, and blood sugar is gradually decreasing.

How to lower blood sugar? The following recipes will help reduce blood sugar with folk remedies:

  1. Pour one hundred grams of oats with 500 ml of hot liquid, put everything in a water bath and keep on it for 30 minutes, then insist for two hours. Take 100 ml before meals three times a day, duration – 1 month.
  2. One tablespoon of flax seed is poured with 250 ml of water, infused for one hour, then a few tablespoons of lemon juice are added. Take once daily before meals.
  3. One raw egg is mixed with lemon juice and taken on an empty stomach for three days. Then they take a break for one week, repeat again. The number of courses is not limited

Alternative medicine advocates believe that folk remedies help maintain blood sugar throughout the day and after meals.

Before choosing any recipe for yourself, you need to make sure that there is no intolerance to the components, and only then start home treatment. Also, if the patient is taking medication, it is necessary to carefully control his sugar in order to prevent a sharp drop in glucose.

Diabetes mellitus treatment is a complex therapy that is aimed at stabilizing normal glucose levels. Therefore, it is advisable to combine all methods that help to normalize it.

Optimal physical activity, vitamins for diabetics, proper nutrition, decoctions and tinctures based on medicinal herbs – all this will help to restore a full quality of life and prevent the development of complications. 

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