Itching as a symptom of diabetes

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

Itching as a symptom of diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a pathological process for the body. With such a disease, natural filters (liver, kidneys) cannot do their job. As a result, the body is overfilled with harmful decay products, toxins. The vascular system’s natural ability to cleanse itself is completely blocked. Metabolism not only changes, it causes a hormonal “storm” and introduces an imbalance in the work of the entire endocrine system.

The skin reacts to changes either immediately aggressively or progressively: at first it is peeling, drying out. Then the skin turns red or small blisters.

Bubbles can appear in any quantity, depending on the level of glucose in the blood and the characteristics of the body. For some, they will be significant, for others there will be several of them in general. But invariably everyone will itch a lot, bringing discomfort.

Why does itchy skin appear in diabetes mellitus?

Itching appears against the background of disturbed metabolic processes.
The skin is the same part of the body as an arm or a leg. It is equipped with nerve endings that react sharply to stimuli. The irritant can be external or internal, as in diabetes.

Normally, the vessels are cleansed, the liver, kidneys filter decomposition products, destroy toxins, break down fats. It is the liver that controls the level of glucose in our body. If the pancreas, for some reason, has produced too much glucose, the liver snatches the excess out of the blood and crystallizes in itself.

As soon as another failure occurs and there is not enough sugar in the blood, the liver activates the supply, throwing it into the blood. This is how the balance is regulated. But as soon as this system is disturbed, the glucose level exceeds its norm and the skin gives a local reaction. In fact, the skin is the mirror of our health.

Most often, itching appears in hard-to-reach places. Most often, the perineum is affected, especially if sugar enters the urine. Particularly unpleasant is itching on the bends of the legs (the area of ​​the legs). There, at first, diaper rash with a pungent odor is often formed, and if these places are simply wiped, severe itching and even pain will begin. Such signs are familiar to anyone who has difficulty with sugar. For this, it is not necessary to have diabetes itself; a pre-diabetic state is enough.

It may itch between the fingers, as with scabies. A person unwittingly scratches, damages the epidermis, which serves as a skin shield. And then there are fungi, infections caused by diabetes. There are more than 30 types of dermatitis that a diabetic can develop when the epidermis is destroyed. This is explained by the fact that after combing, cracks and wounds form. Because of sugar, they cannot tighten quickly, healing takes three times longer than in a healthy person.

The main attention should be paid to specific areas where itching is more likely to form:

  1. armpits;
  2. elbow and knee bends;
  3. fat folds;
  4. groin area.

Why does the skin itch? Varieties of itching

The skin itches because this is how it reacts to the onset of dermatitis. This is a defensive reaction that allows you to notice a deviation from the norm.
The types of itching can be divided into conditional subspecies:

  • xanthoma. The reason is a carbohydrate malfunction, which led to disruptions in the fat process. Manifested by itching, yellow plaques on the bends of the limbs;
  • erythema. Disease of men after 40 with diabetes. Manifested by redness of the skin;
  • blistering. Locality on the feet, fingers, limbs. Bubble size from 1 mm to centimeter;
  • dermatopathy. It manifests itself as itching and blisters with pink content;
  • scleroderma. Dermatitis of type 2 diabetics. It manifests itself in the form of a significant thickening of the skin on the neck and entire back;
  • vitiligo. Dermatitis of type 1 diabetics. It manifests itself as changes in skin color. The skin may be discolored locally, in parts.

Treating itching in diabetes

First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause and type of dermatitis that causes itching. The scheme of drug treatment is aimed at improving the desired metabolic processes. For example, with diabetic xanthoma, drugs are prescribed to improve carbohydrate metabolism. It is possible to combine it with drugs that improve fat metabolism.

It is important to follow the diet that the doctor chooses for the sick. Closely monitor the reaction to foods, even permitted ones. If it is noticed that there is an allergy to the product, it must be removed or replaced. There may also be an allergic reaction while taking medication. It is necessary to constantly monitor: what the diabetic eats, takes during the day.

Sometimes, adjusting the diet or dosage of medication is enough to resolve problems such as itching or blisters. But if there is already a fungus or infection, special ointments and antibiotics are prescribed.

Prevention of itching in diabetes

Prevention is reduced to compliance with several simple conditions:

  1. wear only high-quality shoes;
  2. do not use scrubs, ointments that dry the skin;
  3. be sure to take vitamins prescribed for treatment;
  4. include foods with a lot of macronutrients in your diet;
  5. strengthen your immunity;
  6. monitor the gastrointestinal tract, especially the intestines.

In general, diabetes mellitus can proceed smoothly, without itching and other consequences. You just need to take into account the rules and maintain control over sugar. If the patients adhered to the prescriptions and were attentive to themselves, then the correction of diabetes would not require constant monitoring by the doctor.

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