The use of Clomid in post-cycle therapy

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The use of Clomid in post-cycle therapy

Today we will talk about Clomid – one of the most popular drugs used by athletes during post-cycle therapy. You will learn about its pharmacological properties, dosage regimen and possible side effects.

Clomiphene citrate or is a medicine that women take to increase their chances of becoming pregnant. It is an antiestrogen that causes the pituitary gland to secrete hormones necessary to stimulate ovulation.

In addition to medical purposes, Clomid is also used in bodybuilding to start the arc (axis of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary). In sports, it is one of the main drugs on the course and is taken as part of post-course therapy (PCT). Athletes appreciate it for its rare side effects, high effectiveness and selective action.

Clomiphene citrate is available in white or pale yellow tablets. One tablet contains 50 mg of active substance and inactive fillers (lactose, corn starch, sucrose, magnesium stearate).

After a course of anabolic steroids, the athlete’s body suffers a serious lack of follicle-stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing (LH) hormones, the amount of which determines the level of testosterone. To restore their production, bodybuilders use different dietary supplements, herbal tinctures and other ineffective means. In contrast, Clomid helps increase FSH and LH in a short time, thereby stimulating the production of testosterone. In just a few weeks, its level will correspond to the norm, and the amount of LH and FSH after discontinuation of the drug returns to its previous value.

Clomid on PCT

Athletes do not take clomiphene citrate during the course of anabolic steroids, as it is more appropriate to take aromatase inhibitors. Clomiphene is used after a course of AS, on PCT. This helps athletes maintain muscle mass through the rapid production of their own testosterone.

The time to start using the drug depends on which steroids the athlete took. Each of them has its own half-life, and for taking Clomid, you will have to wait for it to end, since the steroid actively affects the hormonal system. As soon as its action ends, you can begin post-cycle therapy. Clomiphene citrate is recommended to be started with the minimum dose, gradually increasing it.

The dosage of the drug depends on the degree of intensity of the course. The more the athlete took steroids, the longer the recovery time of the body. And the more you will need to take Clomid for PCT.

If the course was very difficult, it is recommended to take 150 mg in the first 3 days, after that 12 days in 100 mg, 15 days in 50 and 15 in 25 mg each.

After a heavy course, you will have to take 100 mg of the drug for 15 days, then 15 – 50 mg each and another 15 – 25 mg each.

If the AS course was average, then 50 mg of Clomid is taken for 30 days, and 25 mg each in the next 15.

After an easy course, the first 15 days the dosage is 50 mg, then another 15 mg 25, and in the next 15 days you need to take 25 mg every two days. If the course was very easy, the dosage regimen looks like this: 15 days at 50 mg and 15 at 25.

Side effects

Clomid rarely causes side effects, therefore it is considered a well-tolerated drug. If you do not exceed the dosage, as a rule, no negative consequences are observed. But to know about them is still worth it.

The following adverse reactions were observed during clinical trials of the drug:

  • narrowing of blood vessels;
  • abdominal discomfort;
  • ovarian enlargement;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • chest discomfort;
  • headache;
  • diarrhea.

From athletes and bodybuilders, complaints about negative reactions of the body during taking the drug are usually not received. But in case of their appearance, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

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