Top 5 Signs of Diabetes

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

Top 5 Signs of Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic pathology of the endocrine system, which is caused by a complete or relative deficiency of the hormone insulin in the human body, as a result of which there is a persistent increase in sugar.

Overweight people, as well as those with close relatives suffering from this disease, are at risk.

Signs that many people can unknowingly consider as age-related changes or justify other reasons, can in fact hide a “sweet” disease.

Unfortunately, in the vast majority of cases, people simply cannot recognize the symptoms at an early stage, which postpones the diagnosis of diabetes indefinitely.

Having studied a huge amount of medical information, we have compiled TOP-5, which includes the most important signs of diabetes.

Visual impairment

In the human body, everything is interconnected, and a failure in one part of the chain can provoke other pathological processes. A high concentration of glucose in the body does not go unnoticed, and the first sign is a decrease in vision.

In the first type of disease, vision decreases because some areas of the retina lack oxygen, and after some period of time, the growth of new blood vessels is detected, but they are non-functional.

Since the newly formed vessels grow extremely quickly, but do not work fully, they can bleed, which in turn leads to hemorrhage. Ignoring the problem leads to the fact that after a while, a person may completely lose sight.

The relationship of vision loss and visual impairment:

  • In the second type of diabetes, vision loss is based on the fact that the structure of small retinal capillaries is disturbed in the vascular wall.
  • This fact is based on the fact that a large amount of sorbitol accumulates at the cellular level.
  • In turn, this can lead to retinal swelling, and then vision becomes refractory, and the person practically goes blind.

If a man or woman wears glasses / lenses, and at the same time notice that literally in a year it is time to purchase a new option, this is a serious reason to think about visiting a clinic and donating blood for sugar.

Constant feeling of thirst

Dryness in the mouth, or just a desire to absorb life-giving moisture without measure – this is the second sign of diabetes. Why does thirst arise?

The fact is that sugar molecules have the ability to attach to particles of fluid in the body, as a result of which it migrates to the blood vessels. Since there is an increase in the volume of circulating blood, blood pressure indicators also increase.

Then, after all, everything is interconnected in the body, an increase in renal blood circulation is observed, and excess moisture leaves the body in an accelerated mode. In turn, frequent urination is detected.

With the release of fluid, the human body signals that it is time to make up for the lack of water. And the result is just a vicious circle, the cause of which is the high concentration of glucose in the body.

Hunger and overweight

Another sure sign of diabetes, but also of many other pathological conditions, is the constant feeling of hunger. A person can only eat, but literally 20 minutes pass, and the body again signals that he wants food.

The feeling of hunger against the background of diabetes does not develop at all because a person absorbs food a little . In diabetes of the first type, hunger appears, since insulin production is reduced in the body.

It is this hormone that is responsible for the penetration of sugar at the cellular level into the cells. Due to insulin deficiency, sugar cannot be fully absorbed by cells, as a result of which they begin to “starve”.

In this case, a nerve impulse is revealed to the brain about a lack of food for cells, as a result of which a person wants to eat. Hunger can disappear only in two cases:

  1. If you get energy from lipids.
  2. Restore normal insulin levels.

Against the background of diabetes of the second type, hunger is based on the insufficient functional activity of insulin.

It should be noted that the symptom of diabetes is overweight, which is a consequence of the development of the disease, or a constant feeling of hunger leads to weight gain.

Weight can be gained evenly, or it can happen so that a person’s body becomes “pear-like”.

Typically, weight gain in a specific area (abdomen, thighs) is associated with hormone resistance and prediabetes.

The condition of the skin

As mentioned above, the main reason for the development of all symptoms in diabetes mellitus is the high concentration of sugar in the human body. It is she who becomes the result of many problems in the future.

If a person begins to notice changes in the skin, he has become dry, various rashes and other troubles occur, but at the same time, various cosmetics, like moisturizers and lotions do not help, you need to be tested for sugar.

The skin is quite sensitive to many changes in the human body. And it loses its former elasticity, becomes not as elastic as it was before, the skin peels off, reddening of an unclear etiology appears.

The following skin problems can be detected:

  • Itching of the skin. It can scratch almost everywhere. The lower limbs, arms, back, abdomen, forearms, and head may itch.
  • Dark areas may appear on the skin, and bags under the eyes become constant companions.

Ignoring the situation leads to the fact that such a minor but uncomfortable problem grows into other difficulties. Fungal lesions, abscesses of a purulent nature, inflammation of the skin may appear.

Skin problems with diabetes are a consequence of high glucose, because small blood vessels are clogged with sugar crystals, which also leads to impaired visual perception and impaired renal function.

Against this background, intoxication of the body is observed, because the kidneys can not cope with the elimination of toxins, respectively, the skin itches, itches, loses moisture and becomes dry.

Chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue is another common symptom of sugar disease, and lack of energy provokes fatigue, weakness, apathy, and drowsiness.

Due to the fact that the body does not have enough energy, because sugar is not processed correctly in it, and such a negative result arises. Most often, fatigue is observed after eating, and this is explained as follows:

  1. The human body receives glucose along with food, and it is the main source of energy.
  2. When the blood in which the sugar is located is in the pancreas, the gland, in turn, receives a signal from the brain that it is time to produce a hormone to help cells absorb the incoming sugar.
  3. But, since there is a lot of sugar in the body, this process fails.

Accordingly, such a chain leads to the fact that the body experiences energy starvation with all the attendant symptoms. Cell receptors stop absorbing insulin, sugar accumulates in the blood, but cells do not receive nutrition from it.

If the signs listed above are observed, then it is necessary to draw attention to them and consult a doctor, undergo an examination and pass a sugar test. Early diagnosis of diabetes helps avoid many complications in the near future.

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