What is human blood sugar?

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

What is human blood sugar?

Where does blood sugar come from?

There are two sources of increased blood sugar levels: carbohydrates from food and glucose from the liver. The liver is a storehouse (depot) of sugar in the body. Therefore, it is impossible to achieve a decrease in blood sugar levels only by limiting carbohydrate intake In such conditions, the liver will simply increase the release of sugar into the blood, and the level of sugar in the blood will still remain high.  

Where does blood sugar come from? There are only two reasons due to which there is an increase in blood sugar. These are carbohydrates that enter the body with food and glucose, which penetrates from the liver. The liver is a kind of sugar storehouse in the body. Eating only carbohydrates will not lower blood sugar levels. Because the liver will simply increase the release of sugar into the bloodstream and the overall level will still remain elevated.   

Pay attention to the picture. It depicts fluctuations in blood sugar levels over time. The straight line is the intake of carbohydrates from the liver, and the curved line is the rise in blood sugar after a meal and its subsequent decrease due to the injected insulin. Above normal blood sugar levels will not rise. But this is only possible if there are sufficient insulin levels.

When there is little insulin, the blood sugar level will not decrease and go beyond the normal range. The more carbohydrates you eat, the faster your blood sugar will rise.

What is normal sugar?

In ordinary people, the blood sugar level upon waking is from three point three tenths to seven point eight tenths of a mole per liter (0.06 – 0.1 grams). After taking the food he’s a man without a diagnosis of “diabetes” can go up to as much as seven to eight tenths of a mole per liter (but no more).       

Normal blood sugar ranges from three point three to seven point eight moles per liter.

If an elevated blood sugar level persists, the cells of the body are forced to starve, and the patient is constantly thirsty, experiencing increased fatigue, weakness and rapidly losing weight. It even happens that a person is not able to do light work. I just don’t have enough strength. 

If this situation persists for a rather long time (the blood sugar level does not decrease), then various complications appear, which, in principle, are impossible with a normal blood sugar level.

People diagnosed with type 1 diabetes are forced to constantly maintain normal blood sugar levels through insulin injections. Patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus follow only a healthy diet and a specific exercise regimen. This promotes gradual weight loss and drug withdrawal.

“Great,” some overweight patient with type 2 diabetes will say, “I’ll lose weight, but my blood sugar may remain elevated, because I’ll still lose weight. When I first learned about my illness, my weight was ten kg more than now. But now I have lost weight. “

This is a fundamentally wrong conclusion. It should be understood that there are only yes types of weight loss: “optimal” and “with negative consequences.” In the first case, weight loss occurs due to changes in nutrition and active physical activity. Cells are gradually released from fat, and insulin sensitivity is harmoniously restored.

In the second situation, weight loss occurs only due to the loss of energy and strength (sugar is removed from the body). In addition, various complications and diseases appear .

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