Author: Donald Abrams

Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

Diabetic shoes

In patients with diabetes mellitus in the lower extremities, like other organs, vessels and nerves are affected (sugared). In turn, this leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of the legs, and also increases the risk of foot trauma, the development of foot ulcers, gangrene, and in the most severe cases it can even lead to amputation…
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The Relationship Between Diabetes and Epilepsy

It is believed that people with grade I diabetes suffer from epilepsy attacks three times more often than people who do not have this disease. Scientists from the Medical University of China (Taiwan) became interested in the problem. Their study confirmed the hypothesis and indicated a high risk of developing neurological disorders in diabetics. They…
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Diabetic nephropathy

DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY is a kidney disease that develops in patients with diabetes mellitus against the background of elevated blood sugar levels. Nephropathy in diabetes mellitus is dangerous because at its early stages patients do not feel any discomfort. Let’s consider in more detail what happens in the human body under the influence of high glucose levels?          The kidneys are an organ that cleanses the body of toxins –…
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Vitamins for diabetics

Diabetes mellitus today is a fairly common disease that, if improperly controlled, can lead to specific complications. Complications of diabetes mellitus primarily arise as a result of an increase in blood glucose levels, an increase in blood pressure, and also due to the pathological nature of fat metabolism. Vitamins for diabetes mellitus are an irreplaceable assistant in the fight against…
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Decompensated diabetes mellitus

A few basic rules to avoid a condition called decompensated diabetes mellitus. The views of the leading endocrinologists of the Department of Pediatric Endocrinology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and patients who have reached heights in their careers and the social sphere are formulated…
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Diabetes and Infertility

Diabetes can become an obstacle to pregnancy and cause problems during pregnancy. This violation of carbohydrate metabolism negatively affects the reproductive function of both women and men. Female infertility in diabetes mellitus Insufficient control of the disease in the pre-puberty period can cause Moriac syndrome, one of the manifestations of which is primary amenorrhea (lack…
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Antibiotics for diabetes

Among the preventive measures for complications associated with the lower extremities, foot care for diabetes occupies a special place. IT IS FORBIDDEN: Warm feet in hot baths, as well as use heating pads, various electrical appliances, etc. for these purposes. Reduced sensitivity of the feet leads to the fact that a patient with diabetes ceases…
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Causes of diabetes mellitus in children

This ailment is caused by a lack of insulin. In young creatures, it usually occurs due to problems associated with the thyroid gland. Diabetes often leads to coma. In many cases, this ailment is the cause of vision loss. The patient may also experience a violation of the heart. What can cause diabetes in a child? Professionals believe that the…
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Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy

Most women consider the birth of a child to be their main purpose. Diabetes mellitus seriously complicates the course of pregnancy and childbirth, therefore, it is necessary to approach the issue of the possibility of becoming a mother very responsibly. Unfortunately, pregnancy with diabetes is a process that is unsafe for both the woman and her unborn…
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The human body is one of the most complex living systems on the planet. Therefore, for its well-coordinated work, clear mechanisms are needed, ready at any time to respond to a certain change from the outside. For example, it gets cold and to keep warm, the vessels instantly narrow. The most important regulators of the…
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