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Life tips with Diabetes, Lifestyle, Food & Drinks.

Diabetes mellitus: questions and answers

Diabetes mellitus – what is it? – Consistently high blood sugar. It so happens that a patient diagnosed with diabetes mellitus has a blood sugar level not exceeding critical levels, it turns out that as if there is no illness, and if not, then there are no complications / consequences. In other words, diabetes mellitus in this…
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What is human blood sugar?

Where does blood sugar come from? There are two sources of increased blood sugar levels: carbohydrates from food and glucose from the liver. The liver is a storehouse (depot) of sugar in the body. Therefore, it is impossible to achieve a decrease in blood sugar levels only by limiting carbohydrate intake . In such conditions, the liver will simply increase…
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Here’s the cornerstone of all the basics: measure sugar – get healthy!

How to exercise self-control for people suffering from diabetes? If this is the first type of diabetes mellitus, it is imperative to control blood sugar. This also applies to insulin-dependent patients.     Usually, special strips are used for measurements, which are coated with a chemical reagent. Before the introduction of insulin, the analysis itself is carried out. The use of devices…
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Diabetes mellitus and surgery

At a time when insulin was not yet accepted as a radical treatment for diabetes, most surgeons were reluctant to operate on diabetics. Patients with disorders of all metabolic processes endure the operation and the postoperative period with more pronounced painful phenomena. With small interventions without long-term food restriction, people with diabetes may remain on…
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Vascular disorders in diabetes mellitus

In patients with diabetes mellitus, both small vessels (microangiopathy) and large ( macroangiopathy ) are affected . In the first form, the function of the capillaries of various tissues and organs is disrupted. Changes in the capillaries of the retina cause visual impairment and subsequently can lead to blindness. Damage to the capillaries of the glomeruli of the kidneys disrupts their basic functions…
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How does diabetes affect joints?

Diabetes mellitus is associated with metabolic disorders, so the cartilage in diabetics is more likely to age and deteriorate. Due to impaired blood circulation during vasoconstriction, the innervation of muscles and ligaments is disturbed, lack of nutrition negatively affects their main function – to fix and strengthen the joints. In addition, excess glucose builds up on…
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Impact of diabetes on heart function

Diabetes mellitus is one of the causes of diseases of the cardiovascular system. In turn, heart failure aggravates the course of diabetes mellitus. Heart lesions are frequent and unfavorable in terms of the prognosis of complications of diabetes mellitus. In such patients, coronary insufficiency comes to the fore. Let’s consider the main features of heart lesions in diabetes.…
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Acne: Causes and Treatment Methods

Acne or acne is a common skin condition characterized by blockage and inflammation of the sebaceous glands. Acne is chronic and manifests itself mainly in puberty, while the active stage of the disease can last up to 25-30 years. In older adults, acne can occur with various diseases of the endocrine system, including Cushing’s syndrome…
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How does diabetes affect the eyes?

Diabetes mellitus and vision are interrelated, since an excess of glucose in the blood leads to the destruction of blood vessels (and the appearance of new ones) in the eyeballs, clouding of the lens, and retinal detachment. Most often, diabetics develop retinopathy , cataracts, and glaucoma. The progression of these pathologies can be stopped, as well as complete blindness…
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How to understand that you are starting diabetes? Explains the endocrinologist

Endocrinologist Valentina Shutova on what diabetes mellitus is, how do the two types of disease differ from each other, and by what signs can one understand that problems begin? Valentina Shutova,endocrinologist of the highest category Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome in which there is a chronic increase in blood sugar in the human body. The disease…
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